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GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!
GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!Guides
GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!Tours
GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!Cars
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Aichi Tour Guide - 花井(Hanai)



您好! 我是中文翻译导游。穿上和服的导游陪同您观光名古屋市内的景点。                                                                                                                                  

Kanagawa Tour Guide - Zherui Y.

Zherui Y.


想來日本観光的各位朋友:你們好! 我是出生在台湾彰化縣、26歳時來日本留学、之後就一直留在日本作生意。因生意的関係走遍了全日本。對日本的文化、風俗習慣很了解。把累積20多年的経験可以一一的介紹給大家。 我的導遊費用是日幣一天8時15,000元(不含交通費、餐費)。                                                                                                                                 

Okinawa Main Island Tour Guide - Yukihiro(hero) N.

Yukihiro(hero) N.

4.75 / 5
(4 reviews)

Hello, everyone!! My name is Yukihiro, call me "HERO". I'm eager to introduce this unique country, Japan to foreign guests. I am not a professional interpreter. I have retired from Japan Ground Self-Defense Force(JGSDF=Japanese Army) on March 2018. 大家好! 我名字叫xing2 bo2, 請叫我xing bo(行博)。我喜歡跟外國遊客分享這個很有意思的國家---日本國。我是個業餘的翻譯導遊, 不太專業, 在2018年3月我退休了日本陸上自衛隊(日本陸軍)。 I have spent most of my career as a Army NCO(Non-commissioned officer) . My job experiences are only in the military, but there are variety of specialties, so I didn't feel boredom. I lived in many places all over Japan, such as Hokkaido 10years, Chiba 15years, Okinawa 8years and more places. 我在軍隊當陸軍士官過了大部分的生活。我的工作經驗只在軍隊內,但是它有很多兵種和工作,所以我沒有膩了。我住過日本各地的很多地方,例如北海道10年,千葉縣15年,沖繩8年還有別的有些地方。 I am working for a half of month in Okinawa, and the rest of month in Nagasaki as a Triple Lights interpreter tour guide. 我一邊在沖繩縣大概半個月, 一邊在九州長崎周邊當Triple Lights的翻譯導游工作剩餘的月。 I am registered as a Okinawa prefectural interpreter tour guide (English & Chinese), but don't have a whole Japan certification. So I am brushing my skill up to get it. 我登記了沖繩縣的地域翻譯導遊(英/中文),可是沒有全國的。所以為了獲得全國導遊資格,我正在繼續學外語。 I speak English, Chinese (simplify & traditional) , no problem to guide you, not like a native though. 我會說英語和中文(簡/繁),作為您的導游沒問題,沒有母語的人那麼好。                                                                                                                                 

Gifu Tour Guide - Bonnie C.

Bonnie C.

5.00 / 5
(3 reviews)

I am a cheerful and energetic lady from Hong Kong. I came to Takayama first as a tourist since 2014 and I fell in love with this region. In spare time, I enjoy exploring traditional events and festivals as well as new restaurants in all these areas. Being a tour conductor in Shirakawago, I am equipped with knowledge and skills in guiding single traveler, family and groups(more than 40 guests). With my fluent English, Chinese and abundant knowledge of this region, I am confident to show you around and tailor-made your desirable schedule. I am looking forward to seeing you.                                                                                                                                  

Tokyo Tour Guide - William S.

William S.


Life is short . Play hard, work hard, it’s always my way of life. Thank you for checking my profile page. I will open your mind to Japan's real & authentic image through my tours, which can include hiking, skiing, diving, horse racing once you request me to arrange a customized tour. Night walk, tea ceremony class, fishing, museum visit... anything you want to do, I'm happy to arrange. I will do my best. Let’s go!                                                                                                                                 

West Sussex Tour Guide - Jai B.

Jai B.

United Kingdom (UK)

We are passionate about sharing the many wonderful and fascinating historical sights of Great Britain. We ensure all our guests enjoy a very pleasurable and memorable experience, customised to their personal interests. Our expert chauffeur tour guides are friendly, polite and knowledgeable, and look forward to entertaining you whilst you to relax in comfort and sample the very best our country has to offer. We specialize in hosting luxury tours both in London and across the UK, and can happily accommodate individuals, couples, families and groups with our fleet of luxury tour vehicles. Whilst our service is built around luxury are prices are very reasonable, meaning you won't have to compromise on your tour itinerary.                                                                                                                                 

Hong Kong Tour Guide - Stephen T.

Stephen T.


Hello my name is Stephen, I'm a local born Hong Kong guide who runs off the beaten track tours in Hong Kong since 2015. I love exploring Hong Kong, the busy streets, the architecture, the natural landscape... I love meeting people & travellers, I'm an avid reader, I love studying languages & comparing different cultures. If you're like minded travellers who is also passionate about learning new things, exploring other cultures, talking with locals to get deep into local life, you would like the tour. See you soon in Hong Kong!                                                                                                                                 

Tokyo Tour Guide - Toshiro K.

Toshiro K.

4.31 / 5
(13 reviews)

Hello everyone ! I'm Komine, licensed guide. please call me Toshiro. 你们好,我叫komine(小嶺) 你们可以叫我Toshiro. 我其本上是在台湾跟 马来西亚学过华语的。另外为了做生意, 以前常常去香港所以也会讲广东话。 希望你们早日有机会来日本观光。然后让我安排你们的日程和陪你们看看最深部的日本。 我是酒鬼也是很喜欢吃的人所以擅长巡回美食店。 I have ever stayed Malaysia and Taiwan where I learned Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese as well as English. During my working days in Taiwanese shipping company, been to China, Taiwan, Hongkong and most of Southeast Asia countries nearly hundred times and became a big fan of these Asian cultures, food, languages and people there. After leaving company I decided to be a interpreter-guide in Tokyo to show my gratitude to foreign visitors, who showed best hospitality to me. I love eating and drinking so quite confident not only showing you popular sites in Tokyo and neighboring cities in Kanto area such as Kamakura, Yokohama, Hakone but also can take you to nice restaurants for any kind of food you like. As I have experiance traveling many countries, I can assist you to plan better sight-seeing and eating itenerary upon request. Looking forward to seeing you then ! Toshiro                                                                                                                                  

Hiroshima Tour Guide - Hiroko M.

Hiroko M.

4.33 / 5
(3 reviews)

Hello!! KONNICHIWA! My name is Hiroko, an English and Chinese speaking guide living in Hiroshima. My hobby is Kendo, a Japanese martial art, 7 DAN. I promise an enjoyable trip for you! I look forward to hearing from you. See you in Hiroshima! 您好!我是中文導遊向井弘子,住在廣島的日本人。 請稱呼我弘子。我是取得劍道教士七段的女性劍士。 廣島有兩個世界遺產,是宮島與原子彈爆炸遺址,還有美麗的瀨戶內海。請您品嚐美食,體驗日本文化, 參觀風水寶地,享受日本新舊的魅力! 您想看什麼呢?想吃什麼呢?我還會按您的要求安排,希望您能夠在日本過得輕鬆愉快。 期待著在廣島和您見面!