Tour GuidesGuides Private ToursTours Private Car ToursCars Virtual ToursVirtual The historical crimes and legends of Paris: CHAPTER 3
Your guide will firstly narrate the funeral day of King Henri III's assassination, then you will meet the Vampire of Paris, immerse into a tormentor's life and hear about the after death adventures of the unfortunate mummies who became an object of traffic especially during the 18th century.
Are you stouthearted enough to experience the gloomy secrets of Paris? If so, join your guide Leo on this creepy tour!
FROM$18/ per group
1944 D-day in Normandy virtual tour
Your guide will immerse you in this memorable day where thousands of American soldiers sacrificed their lives for the liberation of Normandy including both fun and moving anecdotes .
The tour will allow you to feel the fear before the landing, the harshness of the fighting, and the hardships experienced by soldiers.
FROM$30/ per group
Christmas in French history virtual tour
This tour goes back to the origin cults of Christmas which started during antiquity, and show how this popular feast evolved with Christianization and later, secularisation of the French society.
You will see how French used to celebrate this feast from the commoners to aristocrats but also Kings in the Versailles palace. Discover the symbolism of Christmas' traditions and the major historic events held on December 25.
FROM$20/ per group
The Catacombs of Paris
You will first discover the history of this stunning place which concentrates many fantasies and makes the Parisian catacombs unique worldwide.
Then, your guide will reveal why, when and how millions of skeletons have been stacked on top of each other, creating a labyrinthine network of galleries made of human bones’ walls.
Finally, you will discover the various functions of the catacombs over centuries and hear some of the craziest events who occurred underground.
FROM$18/ per group
The Eiffel Tower: history and stunning anecdotes
Your guide will unveil the secrets of the Iron Lady, who was hated by a part of Parisians to finally turn to become the iconic symbol of France.
You will discover its original purpose, the technical challenges met during the construction, how the monument escaped from a planned demolition and what was its fate during WWII.
Then, watch the unbelievable events (sometimes illegal) who took place amongst this metal lace masterpiece all along its construction until nowadays.
FROM$18/ per group
The Cataphiles of Paris: Virtual conference
If you haven’t discover the catacombs’ history, then I advise you to join the Catacombs Tour first.
The catacombs where cataphiles like to wander secretly is full of surprises.
Why is it so secret? What are they doing down there? Is it true that a cataphile got lost and has never been found since then? Are there any parties underground for real? Thanks to her 13 years experience as a cataphile and her personal documents, you guide will immerse you into this parallel universe.
FROM$18/ per group
The historical crimes and legends of Paris: CHAPTER 7
Your guide will narrate the horrible execution of King Henri IV's regicide, whose torment has been finally relieved by death after hours of torture.
Experience the Middle-ages where the lack of hygiene caused numerous deadly epidemics such as the black plague killing one-third of the Parisian population and much more worldwide.
Are you stouthearted enough to experience the gloomy secrets of Paris? If so, join your guide Leo on this creepy tour!
FROM$18/ per group
The historical crimes and legends of Paris: CHAPTER 6
Your guide will divulge the nefarious massacre organised in the 16th century in the Louvre palace, the holy Notre-Dame's cathedral murky side, then you will meet the early 20th century criminal gangs of Paris, finally this tour will reveal the painful royal anal fistula affecting Louis XIV and how it led to the creation of a famous national anthem…
Are you stouthearted enough to experience the gloomy secrets of Paris? If so, join your guide Leo on this tour!
FROM$18/ per group
The historical crimes and legends of Paris: CHAPTER 5
Your guide will narrate King Henri II's epic death, the Tuileries' ghost who haunted the royal palace for three centuries, the sad times when some humans were displayed in zoos and the crazy story of king Louis the Saint's corpse who underwent through morbid misadventures.
Are you stouthearted enough to experience the gloomy secrets of Paris? If so, join your guide Leo on this creepy tour!
FROM$18/ per group
The historical crimes and legends of Paris: CHAPTER 2
Your guide will reveal the origin of Friday the 13th, the horrible cannibal of Paris' acts, the most crazy events perpetrated during the Terror period following the 1789 Revolution and the peaceful resting of King Henri IV's corpse has been troubled a long time after his burial.
Are you stouthearted enough to experience the gloomy secrets of Paris? If so, join your guide Leo on this creepy tour!
FROM$18/ per group
The historical crimes and legends of Paris: CHAPTER 4
Your guide will firstly describe how the wars of religion led to the murder of King Henri IV, you will discover the gross story of the two shopkeepers who happened to make their clients cannibals despite them (or not!) during Middle-ages, this tour will bring up to your ears and eyes the day when Paris was swallowed by the earth, you will finally hear the stunning legend of Paris' patron saints.
Are you stouthearted enough to experience the gloomy secrets of Paris? If so, join your guide Leo!
FROM$18/ per group
The historical crimes and legends of Paris: CHAPTER 1
During this tour you will hear about the massacre who occurred on place of the Eiffel Tower, the story of the Luxembourg Gardens' elegant ghost who appeared in the early 20th century, you will discover the stunning behaviour of some women being voluntarily immured in cells of stone during Middle-ages, and finally you will meet the beautiful girl both anonymous and worldwide famous who's been displayed behind widows after her death.
FROM$18/ per group
Le Marais Quarter: history and stunning anecdotes
You will virtually see the wonders of Place des Vosges and discover its little secrets, learn why a place is wearing the name of a WWII resistant as a tribute to the gay community established there, admire a rare remain of the 14th century architecture, step into the narrow Jewish Rosiers street, meet Duke of Sully, counsellor of King Henri IV and admire his massive mansion turned into a museum...
After this tour you will understand why Parisians and visitors love Le Marais quarter so much!
FROM$18/ per group
The historical crimes and legends of Paris: CHAPTER 8
Come back in time to encounter the dreadful Vikings who looted France and its capital so badly that the king submitted and fulfilled their requests.
Then, discover the foolish events that caused a few Egyptian mummies to be buried under a famous Parisian monument!
Are you stouthearted enough to experience the gloomy secrets of Paris? If so, join your guide Leo on this creepy tour!
FROM$18/ per group
The Père-Lachaise cemetery: history and stunning anecdotes
Firstly, you will learn about the burial rites of the French who led to the establishment of new cemeteries early 19th century. Amongst the pictures of celebrities' tombstones and the stories linked to them, you will hear about the terrible massacre that happened in 1871, uncover who was the "vampire" that haunted the city’s cemeteries at the 19th century, which erotic behaviours a few visitors adopt, find out how come a 12th-century's tomb on-site and much more!
FROM$96/ per group
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