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GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!
GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!Guides
GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!Tours
GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!Cars
GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!Virtual
Kagoshima Tour Guide - Sini T.

Sini T.

5.00 / 5
(7 reviews)

Hello, 我姓鄧,英文名叫Tiffany。來日本讀書到結婚工作20多年的澳門人。現在是日本九州的中文導游(Chinese / Cantonese tour guide)。除了日語和廣東話之外,國語(普通話)流利,以及日常英文溝通都沒問題,所以我的客人大多來自香港,澳門,台灣,國內,還有馬來西亞,新加坡,還有美加華人等國籍非常多元化。由於我在日本的大學讀完研究生以後工作了差不多十年中,曾經從事過鹿兒島國際交流協會,鹿兒島觀光連盟(相當於官方旅游局)和主持過本地電視台(KYT)介紹旅游和美食的節目。所以對於九州,特別是鹿兒島這個地方的風土人情,美食特色的實務和相關專業知識,可能比日本人一點都不遜色呢(笑!) 無論您是幾個小時或者一天的短途旅遊, 或是連續幾天的深度旅遊,我相信可以為您的旅途錦上添花。 我們可以選擇去鹿兒島經典名勝的櫻島火山、仙巌園,指宿泡沙蒸溫泉,霧島的高千穗牧場親親大自然;也可以去體會潛力新景點:去看茶田,試穿和服;看千隻仙鶴在日出日落中飛舞;去霧島泡泥漿溫泉;去離島的火箭基地看火箭發射,衝浪或劃橡皮艇,甚至單車游、自駕游,甚至一起定制路線的自由行等,相信我都能滿足您的願望!數小時、半天、一天,或者跨境的多天游,都可以事前通過溝通爲您私人訂製,保證貼心安排。。。除了鹿兒島,宮崎,熊本,大分,長崎,福岡等九州各地,我都可以與您同行,讓您暢通無阻! 不要猶豫了,快來日本跟我一起領略這個九州淳樸的南方城市的美麗風情吧! 2019年10月 Tang Tiffany 2023・03 更新                                                                                                                                  

Casablanca Tour Guide - Abdallah B.

Abdallah B.

5.00 / 5
(1 reviews)

I’m a licensed guide in my hometown Casablanca and also any other city within Morocco                                                                                                                                  

Singapore Tour Guide - Lim C.

Lim C.

5.00 / 5
(3 reviews)

I am a tour guide specialize in Hindu and Chinese culture and religion tour I also specialize in Singapore's food tour Chinese, Hindu and Malay food tour. I am conducted Singaporen nights tour                                                                                                                                 

Kanazawa Tour Guide - Yoji K.

Yoji K.

5.00 / 5
(31 reviews)

Hello, I'm Yoji, based in Kanazawa. I spent my formative years in Kanazawa and pursued my master's degree in the United States. Having lived in Washington D.C. and California for six years, I then resided and worked in China and various Southeast Asian countries. My passion lies in exploring new destinations and connecting with people worldwide. Now, it's my turn to extend the same hospitality I've received to you. I specialize in crafting personalized tours tailored to your interests and preferences. If you're a food enthusiast, you've come to the right place. For those seeking to delve into Japan's rich history and culture, I highly recommend joining my full-day tour in Kanazawa. Additionally, I offer tours to Shirakawago and Takayama. Let's embark on an unforgettable journey together.                                                                                                                                  

Aichi Tour Guide - Tatsuya I.

Tatsuya I.


My name is Tatsuya Ito. I am living in Nagoya city, Aichi, Japan. I am a national licensed guide interpreter (English). I can also speak Chinese (Basic level). I have been guiding Nagoya Castle as a volunteer guide for 6 years. I want to take you to many Japanese beautiful places. I like to travel by train. If you are interested in train travel in Japan, I can introduce nice places to visit with local train.                                                                                                                                 

New York Tour Guide - Owen F.

Owen F.

United States of America (USA)

Hi everyone, I am Owen, living in Flushing, New York. I worked as a tour guide and tour leader for many years. I love travelling and been to many countries in the world. I love yummy food, history and culture. Flushing is amazing place with long history and many different cultures with many ethnic groups people living here, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese and Indian. This is a huge melt pot and this is a small global world. Of course, come to Flushing, you can never miss the yummy food here. Flushing is the yummy food kingdom. No need flying to those countries thousands miles away, here you can find and taste the most representative yummy food from those Asian countries, especially Chinese,korean,Vietnamese and Taiwan snacks food. Follow me, let's walk in Flushing and start our amazing yummy food taste journey! I will recommend those famous street food and snacks to you.                                                                                                                                  

Zadarska Tour Guide - Anita V.

Anita V.

4.00 / 5
(1 reviews)

Hi, I'm Anita and I'm a tourist guide in Croatia. I have been working for years as a local tourist guide in Zadar and Sibenik, and as a tourist guide in Europe. Love for my country makes me do this job that I adore, and my happiness and greatest reward is when my guests return to my Croatia again. That means they are happy and feel nice here and that is my most beautiful reward. Certainly some of you have not even heard of Croatia. So I decided to invite you to this pearl of Europe and introduce you to this beautiful little country, but rich in cultural and historical monuments, national parks and nature parks. I am glad to be able to show you my little Paradise on earth. Join me. I'm sure you'll be fascinated by it.                                                                                                                                 

Seoul Tour Guide - Kane K.

Kane K.

South Korea

Hi there~ My name is Kane and I am a licensed tour guide here in Korea. I've got the license in 2016 and started working as a tour guide for many years and previously with having a career in oversea sales for over 15years. Now I really love this job and I think it's a calling. Whenever I meet a group of new people, I become an energetic man and enjoy sharing all information that I have on my country, history and living with visitors. Please be my guest and you will miss me when you get back home after the tour with me.                                                                                                                                  

Singapore Tour Guide - Jia L.

Jia L.


Feel free to ask any questions before making any bookings                                                                                                                                 

Marrakech Tour Guide - Mohamed M.

Mohamed M.

5.00 / 5
(2 reviews)

Azul. That's how we greet in Berber. It is my mother tongue and Morocco's indigenous language. I was born and grown up in Sijilmassa, a Town with deep culture, history, authenticity, simplicity, heritage and huge tribal diversity. It is located at the large oasis of Tafilalet at the heart of Sahara desert, and the oldest trading and civilization zone in Morocco. I got my bachelor's degree from the University of Meknes “English department” but I also went to Shenzhen in China for Mandarin language classes. And I am also a holder of a national tour guide license officially from the ministry of Tourism officed in Rabat. I took the path of my ansisters almoravid dynasty who moves from the desert to found Marrakech. Marrakech is a vibrant home city that I love and appreciate very much. I love adventures and I am a kind of person who always has new plans and ideas. My happy times are those spent with family and friends. Welcome not only to be my guests but also to be part of friends and family Deeds always speak louder than words . . . . so I look forward to meeting you in person, and soon! I am very happy and excited to welcome you and introduce Marrakech from a very local perspective. Welcome! Asalamu Alaykum!                                                                                                                                 

Tokyo Tour Guide - Arnold  H.

Arnold H.

4.94 / 5
(33 reviews)

Hi, my name is Arnold and I love meeting new people. I have been living in Tokyo for over 9 years and I believe I know the place well enough to provide a fun tour. It will be my pleasure to help you enjoy your stay in Japan. I can speak English, Chinese and Japanese, so feel free to talk to me in any language that you feel comfortable with. I was once a tourist myself, so I believe I can provide the best tour experience from a tourist's perspective. Let me know your interests and I will make the best tour for you. Hope to see you soon! 嗨,我的名字是阿諾,我喜歡結識新朋友。我在東京生活了9年多,我相信我足以提供您一個有趣的日本之旅。我很樂意幫助您享受在日本的旅遊,所以如果有任何需求請盡量告訴我。我會說英語,中文和日語,所以請隨意用任何你覺得舒服的語言與我交談。作為一個生活在日本的外國人,我自己也曾經是一名遊客,所以我相信我可以從遊客的角度提供最好的旅遊體驗。請讓我知道您的興趣,我會為您規劃最好的行程。希望能與您早日見面!                                                                                                                                 

Singapore Tour Guide - Richard K.

Richard K.


Hey! I am Richard, your fully licensed tourist guide here in Singapore. I started as a volunteer guide with the Sisters' Island Marine Park while working in the corporate world. In 2018, after working in the financial sector for more than 20 years, I took the plunge and listened to my heart to pursue this interest and passion as a full time role. A nature enthusiast at core - I specialize as a nature guide in 2019 which strong focus in the marine environment and offshore islands. Though I am not a scientist by practice, I put in alot effort into researching marine creatures and share my practical experiences with professionals in this field. I am also a part of several conservation teams in intertidal surveys to safeguard our marine environment. I am also well informed in the country's heritage, history and offshore islands. As a local, I will bring you off the beaten track and explore the hidden treasures of Singapore with you! I am open to cutomized tours to suit your needs. Singapore Tourist Guide licensed in - English & Nature.                                                                                                                                 

Okinawa Main Island Tour Guide - Yukihiro (Hero)行博

Yukihiro (Hero)行博

4.95 / 5
(37 reviews)

Hello, everyone!! My name is Yukihiro(行博), call me "HERO". I'm eager to introduce this unique country, Japan to foreign guests. I am not a professional interpreter. I have retired from Japan Ground Self-Defense Force(JGSDF=Japanese Army) on March 2018. 大家好! 我名字叫xing2 bo2, 請叫我xing bo。我喜歡跟外國遊客分享這個很有意思的國家---日本國。我是個業餘的翻譯導遊, 不太專業, 在2018年3月我退休了日本陸上自衛隊(日本陸軍)。 I have spent most of my career as a Army NCO(Non-commissioned officer) . My job experiences are only in the military, but there are variety of specialties, so I didn't feel boredom. I lived in many places all over Japan, such as Hokkaido 10years, Chiba 15years, Okinawa 8years and more places. 我在軍隊當陸軍士官過了大部分的生活。我的工作經驗只在軍隊內,但是它有很多兵種和工作,所以我沒有膩了。我住過日本各地的很多地方,例如北海道10年,千葉縣15年,沖繩8年還有別的有些地方。 I am working for the half of month as a tour-conductor in Okinawa Japan. Rest of month, I live in Nagasaki Prefecture, and work as a Triple Lights interpreter tour guide. 我一邊在沖繩當旅遊服務員大概半個月,一邊在九州長崎當Triple Lights的翻譯導游工作剩餘的月。 I am registered as a Okinawa prefectural interpreter tour guide (English & Chinese), but don't have a whole Japan area certification. So I am brushing my skill up to get it. 我登記了沖繩縣的地域翻譯導遊(英/中文),可是沒有全國的。所以為了獲得全國導遊資格,我正在繼續學外語。 I speak English, Chinese (simplify & traditional) , no problem to guide you, not like a native though. 我會說英語和中文(簡/繁),作為您的導游沒問題,沒有母語的人那麼好。                                                                                                                                 

Tokyo Tour Guide - Carol N.

Carol N.

5.00 / 5
(12 reviews)

Having living in Japan over 30 years, love the rich and diversity of the culture, the seasons and the people here! I can speak fluent Japanese, Cantonese and English. I have worked as an interpreter for some corporate companies here, including film and airlines industry. It would be a good opportunity to make use of my language skills and living experiences here. Hopefully to contribute to a fun, fulfilling and unforgettable travel experience for you all!                                                                                                                                  

Yokohama Tour Guide - Munetaka H.

Munetaka H.

5.00 / 5
(10 reviews)

Hellow everyone! I was born at a small beautiful greenery town in NAGANO prefecture(in the middle of Japan),growing up in OSAKA, now I am living at YOKOHAMA city(harbor city just 20kilimeter from TOKYO) with partly-working at HENEDA airport. Since I was young, I like very much to make my own planned trip all over Japan with chatting with local people, and I had more than nine years experiences stationed at foreign countories,BEIJING, TAIBEI,SINGAPORE and MOSCOW. Currently I have been starting to do guiding for foreign tourists in English & Chinese language mainly for the Kanto area like TOKYO, YOKOHAMA, HAKONE, KAMAKURA, KAWAGOE,KAWASAKI etc. Whatever you have any desires(cuisine,shopping,valiable experience etc) for your attractive Japan trip, I have confidence to try my best to offer my ceative trip proposal within your budget. I really happy to be with you to show the NEW&OLD unique to Japan at each spot. Please let me show you some examples of itinerary as below(you can choose some of them as you like): 1.TOKYO) TSUKIJI FISH MARKET, SENSOJI-temple, MEIJI-shrine,fashion town-OMOTESANDO/HARAJUKU,IMPERIAL-PALACE, NIHONBASHI-with many long established shops more than 100 years,ODAIBA with most advanced echnology& enjpyable play town site. 2.YOKOHAMA) a beautiful havbor view site, SANKEIEN-garden, Ramen noodle museum, China town etc. If you are interested in the famous Japanese painter's open-air-second-house, I show you it only at 1st Saturday of every month. 3.KAMAKURA)Great Budda statue,HOKOKUJI-temple with green tea ceremony experience, to enjoy octopus-rice-cracker getting on ENODEN-local locomotive train/ 4.KAWAGOE) you can time slip to this small EDO town of existed 300 years before. 5.HAKONE)Let's experience the active volcano with eating hot spring made boiled-egg, enjoy lake-cruising, sculpture museum& traditional Shinto-shrine of Edo era and view Mt. Fuji, if we are lucky. 6.Special trip)this is my special arragement three months before offered by Japan big companies's SCR activity,like beer factory, auto mobile factory,dumpling factory etc ,pleae contact me three months before. 7.NIKKO) TOSHOUGU-shrine 8.KAWASAKI) If you disembark at DAIKOKU PIRE from cruising, I can show you the Japanese open-air fork houses with experience of dying clothes etc. 您们好!出生在長野县成長在大阪, 住在横滨,工作在東京羽田机场的日本人。 我,從小就很喜欢(❤ ω ❤)旅行跟各种各样的人说活。還有欣賞” 能乐”演出追求日本傳統文化的深奥,因此也深入研究做出”能乐”用的面具。在大学主修中文之后,進入社會已累績了三十多年的工作经验。 曾被派駐過中国北京,台灣,新加坡,俄国等國家受到各個國家朋友們的大力幫助。 现在,我,趁着2020年將舉辦東京夏季奧運會的機會,為各個国家的朋友們用中文和英文介绍一东京,横濱,镰仓,箱根,川越,川崎为主的关东地方。 例如,1,東京筑地市场,东京最古老的神社/浅草寺,东京最大的明治神宫,时装圣地的原宿/表参道,日本象征的天皇起居的皇居/原来的江户城堡,有很多老字号店铺的日本橋,有科学方面尖端技术的台场等地。2,明治维新后发达的离东京半个小时到达的横滨未来港口城市包括三溪园日本传统的庭园,在日本唯一独二的新横滨的拉面博物馆。 3,高为12米大佛的鎌倉,可享受在竹林里喝抹茶的报国寺,同时一起乘坐“江之电车”欣赏海边风景而吃到“章鱼仙贝”吧! 4.被叫做“小江户”的川越。 5,用一天的时间来去看富士山,箱根神社,泸之湖,大涌谷,6,最近我开始安排日本大企业所做的社会贡献活动‘参观工厂’,相信参观工厂也是对各位很有意思的体验,请在3个月以前跟我联络。 非常期待能取得与您的進一步联系,共同探索日本深奧的文化,精緻的藝術及分明的四季之美。                                                                                                                                 

Singapore Tour Guide - Chua A.

Chua A.


Hi! My surname is Chua, please call me "Alvin". I’m a certified Tourist Guide in Singapore. I’m physically active, love to travel, explore interesting places, eating, shopping and wellness exercise. I’m born and live here. I have witnessed Singapore developed from a “Kampong” (village) to a beautiful Garden City. I will show and share the Singapore “Then and Now” along the journey. Before being a tourist guide, I was a Sales Manager in FMCG industry for 20 years. Hence, I enjoy meeting people and I’m familiar with retail market and entertainment hot spots. You are our VIP, and your happiness is our top priority. Your safety will also be ensured throughout the journey.                                                                                                                                  

Ishikawa Tour Guide - Atsuko K.

Atsuko K.

5.00 / 5
(1 reviews)

大家好!我是日本國家註冊導遊Atsuko!我是從2013年開始從事這導遊工作。我原來是個九州的佐賀人,現在住在石川縣金澤市。我現在學習日本茶道。 我可以帶您去以金澤市為主的觀光景點玩。金澤是一座充滿著日本武士文化的城市。除了必去的景點之外,這裡還有很多美食。讓我們一起尋找這裡的魅力吧。跟我一起漫步的話,一定會發現在網上看不到的事情!我等您預約!                                                                                                                                 

Chiba Tour Guide - Yoshie Y.

Yoshie Y.

5.00 / 5
(3 reviews)

Hi, I’m Yoshie. I am a tour guide belonging to the travel agent, and I am working as a freelance tour guide, too. My hobby is traveling and I like to meet new people. Not only every part of Japan, I also traveled many countries. Especially in Australia, I spent one year on a working holiday. I like to step into nature, and I also like to explore hidden gems in the town. Japan has a long history of 2,000 years and has lived in a nature-oriented culture. As a local, I would like to share interesting Japanese culture with you. Join my tour, and let’s explore Japan's fascinating culture and beautiful sights together as a family! I specialize in family-friendly tours, making sure that both parents and children have an enjoyable and memorable experience. As a mother, I know what kids love and enjoy in Japan. I want to show you and your family “omotenashi”. This is Japanese hospitality. Be prepared for special little surprises for your children and yourselves. I want to show you the Japan that I know and love.                                                                                                                                 

Osaka Tour Guide - Rio S.

Rio S.

4.87 / 5
(30 reviews)

【Guarantee the best guiding quality】 Hello! I'm a humorous tour guide of 100% Osaka local.Please call me Rio. I can take you to the places which only foreign tourists are too difficult to visit or find out. As a certificated famous tour guide, I will give you a good memories and fresh discoveries during your Japan journey. I'm a professional about Kansai area's culture and history, so registered as best sightseeing master from several tour agencies and organizations. Speak to me in your own language. I can speak many kinds of language like English, Chinese, Taiwanese, Indonesian, Vietnamese and so on.. So don't hesitate to communicate with me frankly! I absolutely guarantee the best tour quality. I wait your coming! Thanks,Ookini!                                                                                                                                 

Saitama Tour Guide - Miki K.

Miki K.

5.00 / 5
(3 reviews)

Hello, my name is Miki. I have lived in the United States, China, and Taiwan, and I love travel. There are many fun places to visit near Tokyo. I can ask your request to go and the things what you want to do, then create an original plan for you! From famous tourist destination to local places, I will help you discover a new side of Japan, whether it's your first time or a repeat visitor. Enjoy your trip!                                                                                                                                 

Kanagawa Tour Guide - Seigo U.

Seigo U.

5.00 / 5
(2 reviews)

Hi. I’m Seigo. I am a licensed guide in both English and Chinese. I can speak Spanish just a little bit. I enjoy listening to music, watching sports, driving in my car, and learning new languages in my free time. Since I have lived in Kanagawa my whole life, I can offer satisfying private customized tours to each guest group. My recommended destinations in Kanagawa are Kamakura, a seat of Japan's first Shogunate, and Hakone, a popular resort area with mountains and Lake Ashi. In addition to the standard tourist destinations, I can also drive you around some nice places in the suburbs of Tokyo that foreign tourists don't usually visit. It will be great if you have fun exploring Japan with my little help. Please feel free to contact me anytime! I'm looking forward to seeing you soon!                                                                                                                                 

Osaka Tour Guide - Hiroki D.

Hiroki D.

5.00 / 5
(16 reviews)

【CUSUTOMIZED TOUR IS WELCOMED】 Thank you for visiting my page. I studied Tourism at a college in the US 15 years ago. After studying tourism, I worked at a travel agency before setting up a personal tour guide. My goal is tol create a tour that meets your needs. I promise that I will aim to make you satisfied with tours that major travel agencies cannot imitate. I speak multiple languages Japanese, English, and Chinese (still studying).                                                                                                                                 

Singapore Tour Guide - Monica T.

Monica T.


I am an experienced and licensed tourist guide with years of experience in the tour guiding industry. I love meeting people, guiding them to experience the life, culture and people of my country, Singapore. Having been 'born and bred' here, I have led tours to many business tourists around Singapore during their free time. They love it when I can give them a true-blue Singaporean's view of living in Singapore. Singapore is ever changing and growing, and yet our unique ethnic tapestry, values and traditions remain. I offer many unique, off-the-beaten-path tours and can also customize your very own personal walking tour. I hope to share my passion and knowledge of this great city with you in a fun and non-traditional way. My goal is to send you home with a sense of awe and wonder after visiting this gorgeous and sunny island, Singapore.                                                                                                                                 

Sichuan Tour Guide - Jason L.

Jason L.

5.00 / 5
(2 reviews)

Hi there, my name is Jason. I really enjoy meeting people, showing them around, and being helpful. l 'm happy and ready for any kind of trip in Chengdu, Sichuan. I am flexible for any plans.so just make your plan and then let me know and we will discover Sichuan or China together. I can drive you if you need a driver guide or just a driver, walk by your side or by bicycle, all would be fantastic!I can give you an itinerary upon your request, just drop me a line tell me what you are looking for and i will make an itinerary to match your needs, yeah, let's hit the road, Luxury, budget, middle range! All sounds great to me. Looking forward to seeing you cheers Jason