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Munich Art, Culture, & Historical Tours

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Munich Art, Culture, & Historical Tours

Munich - Jewish heritage, Third Reich cover image

Munich - Jewish heritage, Third Reich

4 hours 30 min

Jewish history and life before 1933 and during the years 1933-1945 are the focus of this tour with places and memorial plates for former synagogues, the killing spot of Kurt Eisner, the first Jewish President of Bavaria, Fieldmarschalls' hall, where the Hitler putsch ended, Hofbräuhaus, where the Nazi party was founded, the new Ohel Jakob synagogue, the NS documentation center, Kings square, Hitlers former office from the outside, Shalom Ben Horin's birth house (from the outside)

FROM$419/ per group
Germany Tour Guide - Michael S.
Michael S.
5.00 / 5
(1 reviews)
Munich - the essential historic sights in the Old Citycover image

Munich - the essential historic sights in the Old City

3 hours 30 min

During this walking tour the historic, political, social developments and legends of Munich come alive. Mismatches will come to the front: Fabulous, beautiful examples of late Baroque architecture and art vive versa places of Hitler's National Socialist Party and dictatorial power in the so-called "City of the Movement". Conservatism, German order let the way to economic success vis-versa life enjoying and easy-going life with breweries, beer gardens, festivals like the Oktoberfefest.

FROM$350/ per group
Germany Tour Guide - Michael S.
Michael S.
5.00 / 5
(1 reviews)
München - jüdische Spuren, 3. Reichcover image

München - jüdische Spuren, 3. Reich

5 hours

Die jüdische Geschichte und das Leben vor 1933 und in den Jahren 1933-1945 stehen im Mittelpunkt dieses Rundgangs mit Plätzen und Gedenktafeln für ehemalige Synagogen, der Tötungsstätte von Kurt Eisner, der Feldmarschallhalle, an der Hitlerputsch endete, dem Hofbräuhaus, an dem die NS-Partei gegründet wurde, der neuen Ohel-Jakob-Synagoge, dem NS-Dokumentationszentrum, dem Königsplatz, Hitlers ehemaligem Amtssitz von außen, dem Geburtshaus von Schalom Ben Horin (von außen)

FROM$419/ per group
Germany Tour Guide - Michael S.
Michael S.
5.00 / 5
(1 reviews)
Munich - the essential in der Altstadtcover image

Munich - the essential in der Altstadt

3 hours 30 min

Bei diesem Rundgang werden die historischen, politischen und gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen und Legenden Münchens lebendig. Widersprüche treten zu Tage: Märchenhaft schöne Beispiele spätbarocker Architektur und Kunst vice versa der sogenannten "Stadt der Bewegung" mit Stätten von Hitlers nationalsozialistischer Partei und diktatorischer Macht. Konservatismus, deutsche Ordnung , wirtschaftlichern Erfolg vis-à-vis unbeschwertes Leben mit Brauereien, Biergärten, Festen wie dem Oktoberfest.

FROM$350/ per group
Germany Tour Guide - Michael S.
Michael S.
5.00 / 5
(1 reviews)
In the footsteps of the Third Reichcover image

In the footsteps of the Third Reich

2 hours

On this city tour we are walking in the footsteps of the Nazis. We start the tour at Feldherrnhalle with the question how Hitler came into power. Explore original sites like where the beer hall putsch ended, where the House of German Art was, the exhibition of “Abnormal Art”, the destruction of Munich during the II. World War and where the NSDAP headquarters was with the Führerbau (Hitler’s office) and the NSDAP Administration.

FROM$280/ per group
Germany Tour Guide - Wolfgang B.
Wolfgang B.
5.00 / 5
(1 reviews)
Nymphenburg Palace and Marstallmuseumcover image

Nymphenburg Palace and Marstallmuseum

2 hours 30 min

We will explore the Nymphenburg Palace which is a Baroque palace situated in Munich. Combined with the adjacent Park it constitutes one of the premier royal palaces of Europe. Its frontal width of 632 m (2,073 ft) (north–south axis) even surpasses Versailles Palace. The Palace served as the main summer residence for the former rulers of Bavaria of the House of Wittelsbach. We will also see the Marstallmuseum with one of the greatest coach collections in Europe.

FROM$290/ per group
Germany Tour Guide - Wolfgang B.
Wolfgang B.
5.00 / 5
(1 reviews)
Drawing Munich Landscapes and Monumentscover image

Drawing Munich Landscapes and Monuments

3 hours 30 min

Drawing Munich will give you more time to enjoy the city and learn about our kings and heritage. Postcards and souvenirs are offered everywhere, but with this tour, you’ll have an unforgettable moment in life. We go to some historic places from the city of Munich and draw with a pencil. Paper and Pencil will be available, but you can have also your own.

FROM$108/ per group
Germany Tour Guide - Paul R.
Paul R.
Old Town Munich private walking tourcover image

Old Town Munich private walking tour

2 hours

I offer with my guides a balanced mix between shop, actualities and history making your visit to my town a memorable experience in this walking tour. The described points of the tour are flexible and will be driven on your point of interest. Special versions from this tour may be organized for wedding, birthday or other special days. All of team are experienced over 10 years and will make your time here unique. For groups over 8 people, please call in advance.

FROM$199/ per group
Germany Tour Guide - Paul R.
Paul R.