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GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!
GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!Guides
GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!Tours
GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!Cars
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Tokyo Tour Guide - Raphaela I.

Raphaela I.

5.00 / 5
(8 reviews)

-Bonjour à tous ! Je suis italo-franco-japonaise, je suis née et j’ai grandi au Japon mais j’ai également vécu en France, en Italie et en Roumanie. Je parle japonais/français/anglais /italien/roumain et je travaille comme guide touristique depuis plus de 5 ans. J’adore montrer à mes touristes les principaux spots touristiques de Tokyo mais aussi les petits spots que seuls les locaux connaissent. Au cours de notre visite, pour découvrir le Japon d’un autre point de vue, je vous parlerai des différences culturelles qui existent entre la culture japonaise et les autres cultures et je suis ouverte a repondre a toutes les questions concernant le Japon. J'espere pourvoir vous aider a passer de bons moments pendant notre visite et creer des souvenirs inoubliables! -Ciao a tutti! Sono italo-francese-giapponese, sono nata e cresciuta in Giappone ma ho vissuto anche in Francia, Italia e Romania. Parlo giapponese/francese/inglese/italiano/rumeno e lavoro come guida turistica da più di 5 anni. Adoro fare vedere ai miei turisti i principali luoghi turistici di Tokyo ma anche i piccoli luoghi che solo la gente del posto conosce. Durante la nostra visita, per scoprire il Giappone da un altro punto di vista, vi raccontero le differenze culturali che esistono tra la cultura giapponese e le altre culture e sono aperta a rispondere a qualsiasi domanda riguardante il Giappone. Spero di potervi aiutare a divertirvi durante la nostra visita e a creare ricordi indimenticabili!                                                                                                                                 

Chiba Tour Guide - Hiromi N.

Hiromi N.

5.00 / 5
(1 reviews)

A native Tokyoite with over 20 years of experience, I'm passionate about guiding visitors through the city's rich tapestry of tradition and modernity. Growing up in Chiyoda, Tokyo's heart, I understand the city's unique blend. Working with multinational teams honed my ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds. In 2021, I earned my English tour guide certification, solidifying my cross-cultural communication skills. Previously, I served at the Imperial Palace East Garden under the Imperial Household Agency, gaining profound knowledge of Japanese history, culture, and the Imperial Family. Fascinated by Japan's heritage, I specialize in guiding tours on the Imperial Family, Japanese arts, and Shinto. My passion stems from research and experience at the Imperial Palace. Since 2024, I've led over 50 tours to iconic locations like Meiji Jingu Shrine, Tsukiji Market, and Asakusa. Despite my recent start, I have over 30 five-star TripAdvisor reviews, reflecting my dedication to exceptional service. My guiding philosophy centers on empathy, flexibility, and personalization. I tailor tours to your interests, ensuring a genuine connection and meaningful interactions. My culinary expertise spans Michelin-starred restaurants to local eateries, making your food experiences as diverse as your cultural immersion. Fluency in French and experience living in Italy allow me to cater to a wide range of international clientele. Embrace the true essence of Japanese culture with my heartfelt and engaging guiding services. I'm passionate about sharing my love for Japan with visitors from all walks of life. Let me help you create unforgettable memories in Japan. I look forward to connecting and sharing the wonders of Japan with you!                                                                                                                                 

Tokyo Tour Guide - Junko N.

Junko N.

4.85 / 5
(94 reviews)

Hi, I am Junko, a national licensed tour guide in English. I can also speak Italian to have a normal conversation. I was born and raised in Tokyo so I could say that I know Tokyo inside out. I believe Tokyo is a beautiful and traditional city as well as a modern and exciting city. In addition to famous tourist sites, there remain many attractions that are not well known among tourists. 
I have had experiences of guiding foreign tourists as a volunteer guide for several years before becoming a licensed tour guide. So I can give you useful suggestions in traveling Japan. I truly like meeting people from different countries and cultures and sharing the fun of discovering Tokyo and its vicinity. I can always tailor the tour to fit your interests and prepare an itinerary so that your stay will be unforgettable. Why don’t you explore Tokyo with me? Please feel free to contact me at any time!
I am looking forward to meeting you in Tokyo.                                                                                                                                  

Tokyo Tour Guide - Saori H.

Saori H.

5.00 / 5
(27 reviews)

Thank you for reading my profile page. I came back to Japan after living in USA and one of EU countries in 2020. I am back again to serve for my precious guests with more entertaining, understanding and caring skills. I worked as a Japan's tour guide for more than 7 years, and I lived in some foreign countries such as USA, Philippines, Ireland, Italy, Romania and Moldova. So I do understand what is interesting or what seems difficult to understand for foreigners in Japan. I hope I could be a help for our precious visitors to understand and enjoy our unique country, Japan.                                                                                                                                 

Tokyo Tour Guide - Jefferson O.

Jefferson O.


Konnnichiwa! I'm Jeff, your enthusiastic tour guide ready to take you on an unforgettable journey through Tokyo metropolis! With about 10 years of experience living in this dynamic city, I’m passionate about sharing its rich culture, history, and hidden gems with you. From the iconic Shibuya Crossing to the tranquil gardens of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo is a city of contrasts that offers something for everyone. Whether you’re a foodie eager to try authentic sushi, a history buff exploring ancient temples, or a trendsetter hunting for the latest fashion, I’ve got you covered. Join me as we dive into the heart of Tokyo, uncovering its secrets and stories. Let’s make your visit an adventure filled with exciting discoveries and lasting memories. Arigato gozaimasu! Hi~大家好,我是稚懿,來自馬來西亞的檳城。我在東京城市生活了已接近10年。對它豐富的文化、歷史和隱藏的寶藏充滿熱情,迫不及待地想與您分享。 從標誌性的澀谷十字路口到寧靜的皇居花園,東京是一座充滿對比的城市,每個人都能找到自己的樂趣。不管您是熱愛美食,想品嚐正宗壽司的吃貨,還是探索古老寺廟的歷史迷,亦或是尋找最新時尚的潮人,我都會滿足您的需求。 如有任何疑問,請隨時與我聯繫。我可以根據您的喜好、時間和需求量身定制行程。 讓我們一起探索東京吧! Hi~大家好,我是稚懿,来自马来西亚的槟城。 我在东京城市生活了已接近10年。对它丰富的文化、历史和隐藏的宝藏充满热情,迫不及待地想与您分享。从标志性的涩谷十字路口到宁静的皇居花园,东京是一座充满对比的城市,每个人都能找到自己的乐趣。 不管您是热爱美食,想品尝正宗寿司的吃货,还是探索古老寺庙的历史迷,亦或是寻找最新时尚的潮人,我都会满足您的需求。 如有任何疑问,请随时与我联系。我可以根据您的喜好、时间和需求量身定制行程。 让我们一起探索东京吧!