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GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!
GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!Guides
GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!Tours
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Aichi Tour Guide - Tatsuya I.

Tatsuya I.


My name is Tatsuya Ito. I am living in Nagoya city, Aichi, Japan. I am a national licensed guide interpreter (English). I can also speak Chinese (Basic level). I have been guiding Nagoya Castle as a volunteer guide for 6 years. I want to take you to many Japanese beautiful places. I like to travel by train. If you are interested in train travel in Japan, I can introduce nice places to visit with local train.                                                                                                                                 

Tokyo Tour Guide - Arnold  H.

Arnold H.

4.94 / 5
(33 reviews)

Hi, my name is Arnold and I love meeting new people. I have been living in Tokyo for over 9 years and I believe I know the place well enough to provide a fun tour. It will be my pleasure to help you enjoy your stay in Japan. I can speak English, Chinese and Japanese, so feel free to talk to me in any language that you feel comfortable with. I was once a tourist myself, so I believe I can provide the best tour experience from a tourist's perspective. Let me know your interests and I will make the best tour for you. Hope to see you soon! 嗨,我的名字是阿諾,我喜歡結識新朋友。我在東京生活了9年多,我相信我足以提供您一個有趣的日本之旅。我很樂意幫助您享受在日本的旅遊,所以如果有任何需求請盡量告訴我。我會說英語,中文和日語,所以請隨意用任何你覺得舒服的語言與我交談。作為一個生活在日本的外國人,我自己也曾經是一名遊客,所以我相信我可以從遊客的角度提供最好的旅遊體驗。請讓我知道您的興趣,我會為您規劃最好的行程。希望能與您早日見面!                                                                                                                                 

Tokyo Tour Guide - Carol N.

Carol N.

5.00 / 5
(12 reviews)

Having living in Japan over 30 years, love the rich and diversity of the culture, the seasons and the people here! I can speak fluent Japanese, Cantonese and English. I have worked as an interpreter for some corporate companies here, including film and airlines industry. It would be a good opportunity to make use of my language skills and living experiences here. Hopefully to contribute to a fun, fulfilling and unforgettable travel experience for you all!                                                                                                                                  

Yokohama Tour Guide - Munetaka H.

Munetaka H.

5.00 / 5
(10 reviews)

Hellow everyone! I was born at a small beautiful greenery town in NAGANO prefecture(in the middle of Japan),growing up in OSAKA, now I am living at YOKOHAMA city(harbor city just 20kilimeter from TOKYO) with partly-working at HENEDA airport. Since I was young, I like very much to make my own planned trip all over Japan with chatting with local people, and I had more than nine years experiences stationed at foreign countories,BEIJING, TAIBEI,SINGAPORE and MOSCOW. Currently I have been starting to do guiding for foreign tourists in English & Chinese language mainly for the Kanto area like TOKYO, YOKOHAMA, HAKONE, KAMAKURA, KAWAGOE,KAWASAKI etc. Whatever you have any desires(cuisine,shopping,valiable experience etc) for your attractive Japan trip, I have confidence to try my best to offer my ceative trip proposal within your budget. I really happy to be with you to show the NEW&OLD unique to Japan at each spot. Please let me show you some examples of itinerary as below(you can choose some of them as you like): 1.TOKYO) TSUKIJI FISH MARKET, SENSOJI-temple, MEIJI-shrine,fashion town-OMOTESANDO/HARAJUKU,IMPERIAL-PALACE, NIHONBASHI-with many long established shops more than 100 years,ODAIBA with most advanced echnology& enjpyable play town site. 2.YOKOHAMA) a beautiful havbor view site, SANKEIEN-garden, Ramen noodle museum, China town etc. If you are interested in the famous Japanese painter's open-air-second-house, I show you it only at 1st Saturday of every month. 3.KAMAKURA)Great Budda statue,HOKOKUJI-temple with green tea ceremony experience, to enjoy octopus-rice-cracker getting on ENODEN-local locomotive train/ 4.KAWAGOE) you can time slip to this small EDO town of existed 300 years before. 5.HAKONE)Let's experience the active volcano with eating hot spring made boiled-egg, enjoy lake-cruising, sculpture museum& traditional Shinto-shrine of Edo era and view Mt. Fuji, if we are lucky. 6.Special trip)this is my special arragement three months before offered by Japan big companies's SCR activity,like beer factory, auto mobile factory,dumpling factory etc ,pleae contact me three months before. 7.NIKKO) TOSHOUGU-shrine 8.KAWASAKI) If you disembark at DAIKOKU PIRE from cruising, I can show you the Japanese open-air fork houses with experience of dying clothes etc. 您们好!出生在長野县成長在大阪, 住在横滨,工作在東京羽田机场的日本人。 我,從小就很喜欢(❤ ω ❤)旅行跟各种各样的人说活。還有欣賞” 能乐”演出追求日本傳統文化的深奥,因此也深入研究做出”能乐”用的面具。在大学主修中文之后,進入社會已累績了三十多年的工作经验。 曾被派駐過中国北京,台灣,新加坡,俄国等國家受到各個國家朋友們的大力幫助。 现在,我,趁着2020年將舉辦東京夏季奧運會的機會,為各個国家的朋友們用中文和英文介绍一东京,横濱,镰仓,箱根,川越,川崎为主的关东地方。 例如,1,東京筑地市场,东京最古老的神社/浅草寺,东京最大的明治神宫,时装圣地的原宿/表参道,日本象征的天皇起居的皇居/原来的江户城堡,有很多老字号店铺的日本橋,有科学方面尖端技术的台场等地。2,明治维新后发达的离东京半个小时到达的横滨未来港口城市包括三溪园日本传统的庭园,在日本唯一独二的新横滨的拉面博物馆。 3,高为12米大佛的鎌倉,可享受在竹林里喝抹茶的报国寺,同时一起乘坐“江之电车”欣赏海边风景而吃到“章鱼仙贝”吧! 4.被叫做“小江户”的川越。 5,用一天的时间来去看富士山,箱根神社,泸之湖,大涌谷,6,最近我开始安排日本大企业所做的社会贡献活动‘参观工厂’,相信参观工厂也是对各位很有意思的体验,请在3个月以前跟我联络。 非常期待能取得与您的進一步联系,共同探索日本深奧的文化,精緻的藝術及分明的四季之美。                                                                                                                                 

Chiba Tour Guide - Yoshie Y.

Yoshie Y.

5.00 / 5
(3 reviews)

Hi, I’m Yoshie. I am a tour guide belonging to the travel agent, and I am working as a freelance tour guide, too. My hobby is traveling and I like to meet new people. Not only every part of Japan, I also traveled many countries. Especially in Australia, I spent one year on a working holiday. I like to step into nature, and I also like to explore hidden gems in the town. Japan has a long history of 2,000 years and has lived in a nature-oriented culture. As a local, I would like to share interesting Japanese culture with you. Join my tour, and let’s explore Japan's fascinating culture and beautiful sights together as a family! I specialize in family-friendly tours, making sure that both parents and children have an enjoyable and memorable experience. As a mother, I know what kids love and enjoy in Japan. I want to show you and your family “omotenashi”. This is Japanese hospitality. Be prepared for special little surprises for your children and yourselves. I want to show you the Japan that I know and love.                                                                                                                                 

Tokyo Tour Guide - Maru  K.

Maru K.

4.95 / 5
(149 reviews)

I provide Omakase tour for you. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to have a wonderful experience in Japan! ☆中文版在下面,请参考一下☆ Hello. I was raised in several places, such as Tokyo, Yokohama, Kobe, Osaka, and Nagoya. After my professional sales experience for a business machinery company in Yokohama, I pursued an opportunity to teach in China. I worked as a Japanese teacher to foreigners in Shanghai. The longer I lived abroad, the more I came to appreciate the unique aspects of Japanese culture. So I started learning English and Chinese to become a bridge to help bring foreign visitors closer to Japanese culture. I would be horored to be your guide as you tour our historically rich country. I am looking forward to traveling Japan with you. Thank you. 大家好。我叫Maru, 来自东京。在上海生活过七年半。在东华大学学了两年半汉语。2012年得到日语教师资格证后一边学习日本历史文化相关知识一边从事日语教师工作。2018年回到日本开始用英语当导游。2019年终于能开始用汉语当导游了!我想成为世界各个国家和日本友好关系的桥梁。我对历史,美食、名胜古迹都很感兴趣。如果能跟大家一起旅游,我很高兴。谢谢。                                                                                                                                 

Saitama Tour Guide - Miki K.

Miki K.

5.00 / 5
(3 reviews)

Hello, my name is Miki. I have lived in the United States, China, and Taiwan, and I love travel. There are many fun places to visit near Tokyo. I can ask your request to go and the things what you want to do, then create an original plan for you! From famous tourist destination to local places, I will help you discover a new side of Japan, whether it's your first time or a repeat visitor. Enjoy your trip!                                                                                                                                 

Kanagawa Tour Guide - Seigo U.

Seigo U.

5.00 / 5
(3 reviews)

Hi. I’m Seigo. I am a licensed guide in both English and Chinese. I can speak Spanish just a little bit. I enjoy listening to music, watching sports, driving in my car, and learning new languages in my free time. Since I have lived in Kanagawa my whole life, I can offer satisfying private customized tours to each guest group. My recommended destinations in Kanagawa are Kamakura, a seat of Japan's first Shogunate, and Hakone, a popular resort area with mountains and Lake Ashi. In addition to the standard tourist destinations, I can also drive you around some nice places in the suburbs of Tokyo that foreign tourists don't usually visit. It will be great if you have fun exploring Japan with my little help. Please feel free to contact me anytime! I'm looking forward to seeing you soon!                                                                                                                                 

Tokyo Tour Guide - Kazu K.

Kazu K.

5.00 / 5
(5 reviews)

Hi! 大家好! 我是國家認證中文翻譯導遊,KaZu! 是否想從旅遊中抽出一天,添加特別的經驗!! 來,讓我為您策畫一下! 尋覓日本200年前的懷舊風景 到神社、寺廟感受神聖氣息 到日本傳統庭園走一走 體驗日本的傳統工藝 接觸日本次文化 等等・・・ 我們一起來吧!                                                                                                                                 

Tokyo Tour Guide - Min T.

Min T.

4.30 / 5
(20 reviews)

Hi, I’m Min! I have been working as a tour guide in Tokyo since 2018, and I truly enjoy helping visitors explore the cultural, historical, and modern aspects of this vibrant city. Traveling, meeting new people, and experiencing diverse cultures are my true passions. Over the past few years, I have been fortunate to visit over 12 countries and explore many unique locations throughout Japan. I look forward to helping you create amazing memories in Tokyo. My goal is to provide travelers with a joyful and satisfying tour experience. Come and explore Tokyo with me!!!:)) Hi~大家好,我是來自台灣台北並長期住在日本東京的Min !!!在日本已經在住10年,不管是日本文化還是日語程度方面,都不成問題。所以要幫忙購物免稅、訂車票、熱門餐廳的事前訂位都難不倒我^ ^ 在台灣的時候,遊覽車跟團、私人家庭團、小型旅行團…等,我有6年的帶團導遊經驗,突發狀況也能隨機應變! 所以跟著我可以放心邊吃邊玩邊散步運動,有想去的地方或者店家都可以事前告訴我,讓我為您以最順路省錢的方式,做行程上的更改!!!! 滿足享受在這趟旅行中~                                                                                                                                 

Tokyo Tour Guide - Jefferson O.

Jefferson O.


Konnnichiwa! I'm Jeff, your enthusiastic tour guide ready to take you on an unforgettable journey through Tokyo metropolis! With about 10 years of experience living in this dynamic city, I’m passionate about sharing its rich culture, history, and hidden gems with you. From the iconic Shibuya Crossing to the tranquil gardens of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo is a city of contrasts that offers something for everyone. Whether you’re a foodie eager to try authentic sushi, a history buff exploring ancient temples, or a trendsetter hunting for the latest fashion, I’ve got you covered. Join me as we dive into the heart of Tokyo, uncovering its secrets and stories. Let’s make your visit an adventure filled with exciting discoveries and lasting memories. Arigato gozaimasu! Hi~大家好,我是稚懿,來自馬來西亞的檳城。我在東京城市生活了已接近10年。對它豐富的文化、歷史和隱藏的寶藏充滿熱情,迫不及待地想與您分享。 從標誌性的澀谷十字路口到寧靜的皇居花園,東京是一座充滿對比的城市,每個人都能找到自己的樂趣。不管您是熱愛美食,想品嚐正宗壽司的吃貨,還是探索古老寺廟的歷史迷,亦或是尋找最新時尚的潮人,我都會滿足您的需求。 如有任何疑問,請隨時與我聯繫。我可以根據您的喜好、時間和需求量身定制行程。 讓我們一起探索東京吧! Hi~大家好,我是稚懿,来自马来西亚的槟城。 我在东京城市生活了已接近10年。对它丰富的文化、历史和隐藏的宝藏充满热情,迫不及待地想与您分享。从标志性的涩谷十字路口到宁静的皇居花园,东京是一座充满对比的城市,每个人都能找到自己的乐趣。 不管您是热爱美食,想品尝正宗寿司的吃货,还是探索古老寺庙的历史迷,亦或是寻找最新时尚的潮人,我都会满足您的需求。 如有任何疑问,请随时与我联系。我可以根据您的喜好、时间和需求量身定制行程。 让我们一起探索东京吧!                                                                                                                                 

Tokyo Tour Guide - Shoichi T.

Shoichi T.


Born and raised in Nara and living in Tokyo now. I was in the US for 6 yeras in total(2 years in Ann Arbor MI for MBA, 4 years in Palo Alto, CA for startup investment). I love traveling and have been to more than 40 countries. My family home in Nara is 250 years old and my ancestor is a famous Samurai. Go Blue!                                                                                                                                 

Tokyo Tour Guide - Ryo T.

Ryo T.


Hello, my name is Ryo. I have worked in the travel industry and have been to about 20 countries as a tour leader, including Australia, Egypt, UAE, China and so on. Now it's my turn to entertain guests from overseas come to Japan. I live near Haneda Airport. Would you like to go on a short trip to enjoy Haneda airport and airplanes? I will guide you. 大家好!我叫亮。我是日本政府认证的中文导游。我到现在为止作为领队去过约20个国家,比如澳大利亚、埃及、阿联酋、中国等。现在我接待从海外来到日本的旅客。 我住在羽田机场附近。享受羽田机场和飞机的小旅行,大家怎么样呢? 我导你们。请参加吧!                                                                                                                                 

Saitama Tour Guide - Samantha L.

Samantha L.

5.00 / 5
(2 reviews)

Come explore Tokyo with me, a true-blue Japan lover and avid world traveler! Hi, I am Samantha from Singapore and it is nice to meet you! Having lived here for 13 years, I love Japan very much and still view it with a perspective of playfulness, curiosity, and amazement. There are always new places to discover and have fun. My guide experience began with private tours for family and friends who have visited me throughout all these years. I am excited to showcase the beauty and uniqueness of Japan to you too. I love meeting and connecting with new people. I have been to several countries and my most recent experience was a 1 month solo trip to Eastern Europe. I also took the opportunity to volunteer at a Romanian dog shelter. Despite being abused, their affection for humans remains and touched me deeply. Kindness not only can be extended to humans but also to animals, an integral part of our planet. As a global traveler, I understand how nerve-racking it can be to visit a new place. I have been fortunate to meet warm and kind locals on my travels. I want to extend to you this same warmth and kindness. I will be your guide to navigate the sprawling spaces, experience the wonders of Japan, and be your friend away from home. My aim is to create a warm and welcoming space for you to immerse, learn, and relax here. Let me take you on a fascinating journey of discovery, knowledge, and interactions! Together, we will explore and create unforgettable memories of your trip here! ** Feel free to contact me for a one-of-a-kind customized tour. I am happy to work out the details with you. 你好 ! 我是萨曼莎。 我来自新加坡,在日本生活了 13 年。 这些年来,我一直有家人和朋友来日本。我喜欢带他们游览日本。 作为一名环游世界的旅行者,我喜欢结识新朋友并与他们建立联系。 我理解在一个陌生的地方,对语言和文化知之甚少或一无所知是多么令人伤脑筋。 在我的所有旅行中,我很幸运能够遇到热情友善的当地人。他们欢迎我来到他们的国家并教我他们的文化。 同样,我想为您创造一个温暖而温馨的空间,让您在日本沉浸、学习和享受。 我对展示这个国家之美的热情促使我创建了这些旅游项目。 我真的很高兴与您分享它们! 让我带您踏上一段奇妙的发现、知识和互动之旅! 我们将一起探索并为您的旅行留下难忘的回忆! 如有任何疑问,请随时与我联系。 我可以根据您的喜好、时间和需求量身定制行程。                                                                                                                                 

Kanagawa Tour Guide - Uemitsu K.

Uemitsu K.

4.64 / 5
(33 reviews)

Having been lived in Tokyo area for more than 40 years, I am competent to plan and guide a tailored Tokyo city. The itinerary will be selected from major commercial districts (such as Shibuya, Shinjuku, Akihabara, Ginza) , popular sightseeing places (Imperial palace, Asakusa, etc.) as well as famous architectures and building (Tokyo tower, Tokyo Sky Tree, Tokyo Government Building, etc.) . In addition to watching sports events and movies, I like city walking in modern Tokyo, especially Shibuya, Ginza, and Roppongi, etc. Learning histories is also one of my favorite hobbies, which made me become a volunteer guide in the Edo Tokyo Museum since 2016. My tour will focus on the interests of foreign guests through advanced negotiation and communication in order to finalize the spots and itinerary. The itinerary will be selected from major commercial districts (such as Shibuya, Shinjuku, Akihabara, Ginza) , popular sightseeing places (Imperial palace, Asakusa, etc. ) as well as famous architectures and building (Tokyo tower, Tokyo Sky Tree, Tokyo Government Building, etc. ) . Please contact me and let me know your interests to have a unforgettable memory in Tokyo.                                                                                                                                 

Tokyo Tour Guide - Toshiro K.

Toshiro K.

4.31 / 5
(13 reviews)

Hello everyone ! I'm Komine, licensed guide. please call me Toshiro. 你们好,我叫komine(小嶺) 你们可以叫我Toshiro. 我其本上是在台湾跟 马来西亚学过华语的。另外为了做生意, 以前常常去香港所以也会讲广东话。 希望你们早日有机会来日本观光。然后让我安排你们的日程和陪你们看看最深部的日本。 我是酒鬼也是很喜欢吃的人所以擅长巡回美食店。 I have ever stayed Malaysia and Taiwan where I learned Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese as well as English. During my working days in Taiwanese shipping company, been to China, Taiwan, Hongkong and most of Southeast Asia countries nearly hundred times and became a big fan of these Asian cultures, food, languages and people there. After leaving company I decided to be a interpreter-guide in Tokyo to show my gratitude to foreign visitors, who showed best hospitality to me. I love eating and drinking so quite confident not only showing you popular sites in Tokyo and neighboring cities in Kanto area such as Kamakura, Yokohama, Hakone but also can take you to nice restaurants for any kind of food you like. As I have experiance traveling many countries, I can assist you to plan better sight-seeing and eating itenerary upon request. Looking forward to seeing you then ! Toshiro