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GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!WithGoGuide
GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!
Tour Guide - Min T.

Min T.

4.79 / 5
(14 reviews)
GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!

Available Areas

Tokyo (Living), Mount Fuji

GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!


Japanese, Chinese (Traditional) (Native), English, Chinese (Simplified)

GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!

Response Time

10 hours on average

GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!

Availability Updated


Tour Categories

Food & Drink
Nature & Outdoor

About Tour Guide Min T.

Hi~大家好,我是來自台灣台北30歲的 Min !!! 日文系畢業後在日本已經在住7年,不管是日本文化還是日語程度方面,都不成問題。所以要幫忙購物免稅、訂車票、熱門餐廳的事前訂位都難不倒我^ ^ 在台灣的時候,遊覽車跟團、私人家庭團、小型旅行團…等,我有3年的帶團導遊經驗,突發狀況也能隨機應變!

所以跟著我可以放心邊吃邊玩邊散步運動,有想去的地方或者店家都可以事前告訴我,讓我為您以最順路省錢的方式,做行程上的更改!!!! 滿足享受在這趟旅行中~

I am Min, 30years old. I am a caring person and love to help people. I come from a beautiful island, Taiwan. I am interested in Japanese culture very much so I chose Japanese as my major in college. Had studied and now being a full-time employee in Tokyo, I know what’s the most fun way to explore Japan. Since the transportation fee is higher in Japan than in other countries, you are very welcome to join my walk tour. You can not only save some money but also enjoy good eats and experience Japanese culture. My goal is always to give travelers a happy and satisfied tour! Please follow me go around in TOKYO!!! :)




(由APP計算,我家到羽田機¥648 /成田機場¥1276+機場到飯店)




秋葉原到上野藥妝購物美食遊cover image


4 hours


FROM$101/ per group
宮崎駿吉卜力美術館!!幫忙事前預購門票cover image


6 hours

去三鷹宮崎駿吉卜力美術館可以在吉祥寺車站集合。 吉祥寺是被日本人票選出最想居住的地區第一名!有豐富的商店街可以逛,藥妝店、衣服店、精品店、美食也是少不了的。然後可以順路經過「井之頭公園」走路約15分鐘可以到三鷹 宮崎駿吉卜力美術館。這中途,有很多的百貨、餐廳、日式居酒屋、路邊咖啡店、二手衣服店、超有氣氛的星巴克…等等!

FROM$152/ per group
淺草邊吃邊逛到東京晴空塔cover image


4 hours

如果選在淺草橋集合,就可以經過〝隅田川〞步道,這步道可以觀賞到東京晴空塔,能和隅田川與晴空塔合照出漂亮的照片。邊走邊拍約25分鐘即可抵達淺草。 也可以直接約淺草車站集合,馬上切入參觀重點!淺草的商店街〝仲見世通り〞約有90多間的店鋪,可以邊採買帶回國的特產,到淺草寺本堂前,可以體驗線香煙燻身體,投銅板參拜後抽籤。最後,可以到〝奧山おまいり〞街,那邊有間黑色招牌的7-11便利商店,在日本這間店也是又夯又火的話題。結束淺草後,大約走15分鐘可以到東京晴空塔,如果覺得腳太累太酸的話,可以搭乘人力車去晴空塔。

FROM$101/ per group
豐洲魚市場(新築地市場)+台場cover image


4 hours

來東京,就一定少不了以新鮮的海鮮而聞名的「豐洲市場」!取代築地市場的「豐洲市場」,已經在 2018 年 10 月 11 日全新開幕。 豐洲市場被稱為「東京的廚房」! 這裡不只有各式各樣的美食(例如:玉子燒、現烤鮭魚肉串、海鮮丼飯、鰻魚飯…等等),還有許多的瓷器雜貨、日本下酒或配飯的醃漬物、廚房五金、生活用品,像是室內傳統市場小賣店,但又多了獨特的特色! 在順路都電車路線上,會經過連日本人都愛去的觀光景點「台場」!台場是一座以人工打造的填海之地,不僅是購物天堂,也是看海景的美景勝地,非常推薦。

FROM$118/ per group
河口湖眺望富士山美景&湖畔景色&搭乘纜車cover image


Mount Fuji
9 hours

我會事先預購遊覽車票,如果有加到飯店迎接,請早上8點左右集合,或者8:30前在東京車站八重洲南口集合後,我把票給您後一起上車! 車子是在9點發車,不能遲到唷~車程大概2小時可以到達靜岡御殿場oulet,那邊的名牌店面很多都有折扣活動,會比東京還便宜很多!!!吃吃逛逛買買後,大概下午4點的遊覽車下山,回到東京加上堵車的時間,大概3小時到4小時後回到東京車站。

FROM$314/ per group
釣船茶屋,自己釣魚/ 現釣現吃(含幫忙事先訂位服務)cover image

釣船茶屋,自己釣魚/ 現釣現吃(含幫忙事先訂位服務)

5 hours

來到日本東京千萬別錯過,就是是可以親自體驗釣魚樂趣的釣船茶屋! 日本有家連鎖的新式餐廳 把整艘船與大海搬進居酒屋內 還可以體驗自己現釣現吃的樂趣 釣船茶屋厲害的就是可以親身體驗釣魚的樂趣 上鉤的那瞬間獲得滿滿的成就感 抓到後現料理的新鮮漁貨 是突破傳統餐飲的新創餐廳

FROM$127/ per group

Min T. Japan Tour Reviews

Victor P.

Victor P.

5 / 5
Apr 20, 2024


4 hours

Sunny Days Exploring Tokyo with Min

On the second day with Min, I felt genuinely happy that I had booked her for two days. She guided me seamlessly through all our planned destinations and readily accommodated my needs, whether I needed a break from the heat or crowded places. Time flew by fast, and I found myself at ease with her as my guide. Being an introverted person with limited social energy, I deeply appreciated Min's assistance with the basics, like navigating local shopping areas near my hotel, understanding payment options, and providing translations. Thanks to her help, these tasks will now be much easier for me for the remainder of my stay in Tokyo. Visiting the shrines and temples stood out as my favorite part of the trip. Learning about their names, culture, and history was truly enlightening. Highly recommended!

Victor P.

Thank you for such a positive review. I am glad that Victor enjoyed my tour! I also had a wonderful time guiding him around many different locations in Tokyo such as Asakusa, Akihabara, Ueno . He was a very nice and polite client to show around the city and he was very interested in learning about Japanese culture as well as sharing some knowledge about his own country:)) Victor If you are ever in Tokyo again, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or another tour. Thank you so much! Min


Bill T.

5 / 5
Mar 23, 2024


5 hours

Went far and beyond

We had Min for 3 days as our tour guide. She definitely went over and beyond her job as tour guide. She met everything we requested and beyond. Words can not describe how appropriated we are feeling! Because the day after we tour without Min we felt a little lost. Thank you so much for your time!!! Bill

Best guide ever!

I wanted to go to the Ghibli museum and Min was the only one I could find offering assistance with getting in as the tickets are apparently very hard to get, and for good reason! It was a very special place with nonstop Ghibli art and activities all over. There were some hiccups getting tickets even with her help but she was persistent and managed to snag one for me at a higher cost that she even covered herself as she wanted to ensure I was happy, which was very generous and I did not expect. There weren't even two tickets available so she had to take me there and meet me after for the rest of the tour that day which led to the Capybara & Cat cafe and we had so much fun playing with the capybara and all the friendly kitties, it was a blast! I had a second day booked with Min to see the Toyosu fish market and it was such a cool experience trying the freshest seafood I've ever had while chatting with Min about all sorts of things, she was a total delight to spend the day with. I wanted to have oysters and Min found the best spot that had various oysters from the different prefectures in Japan and we enjoyed both raw and cooked ones then continued to find more delicious snacks in the area. After that she brought us to the beach and then we went to the mall nearby that has the biggest Gundam I've ever seen, it was all very impressive and Min ensured we had the best time possible while chatting the whole time. The tours were very affordable and fun and Min was so easy to talk to, I truly hope to book more with her in the future when I revisit Japan! Thank you Min!!!

Jack T.

Thank you for your review^ ^ It was very nice meeting you Jack, you were a nice customer to show around and I am happy that you liked my tour! You were very enthusiastic to try new things and seemed to enjoy learning about Japanese food and culture. Visiting the Capybara & Cat cafes was lots of fun and I am glad that you got to try lots of tasty seafood at Toyosu fish market. Hope see you again in Tokyo soon. Thank you so much! Min