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GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!
GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!Guides
GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!Tours
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Kagoshima Tour Guide - Sini T.

Sini T.

5.00 / 5
(12 reviews)

Hello, 我姓鄧,英文名叫Tiffany。來日本讀書到結婚工作20多年的澳門人。現在是日本九州的中文導游(Chinese / Cantonese tour guide)。除了日語和廣東話之外,國語(普通話)流利,以及日常英文溝通都沒問題,所以我的客人大多來自香港,澳門,台灣,國內,還有馬來西亞,新加坡,還有美加華人等國籍非常多元化。由於我在日本的大學讀完研究生以後工作了差不多十年中,曾經從事過鹿兒島國際交流協會,鹿兒島觀光連盟(相當於官方旅游局)和主持過本地電視台(KYT)介紹旅游和美食的節目。所以對於九州,特別是鹿兒島這個地方的風土人情,美食特色的實務和相關專業知識,可能比日本人一點都不遜色呢(笑!) 無論您是幾個小時或者一天的短途旅遊, 或是連續幾天的深度旅遊,我相信可以為您的旅途錦上添花。 我們可以選擇去鹿兒島經典名勝的櫻島火山、仙巌園,指宿泡沙蒸溫泉,霧島的高千穗牧場親親大自然;也可以去體會潛力新景點:去看茶田,試穿和服;看千隻仙鶴在日出日落中飛舞;去霧島泡泥漿溫泉;去離島的火箭基地看火箭發射,衝浪或劃橡皮艇,甚至單車游、自駕游,甚至一起定制路線的自由行等,相信我都能滿足您的願望!數小時、半天、一天,或者跨境的多天游,都可以事前通過溝通爲您私人訂製,保證貼心安排。。。除了鹿兒島,宮崎,熊本,大分,長崎,福岡等九州各地,我都可以與您同行,讓您暢通無阻! 不要猶豫了,快來日本跟我一起領略這個九州淳樸的南方城市的美麗風情吧! 2019年10月 Tang Tiffany 2023・03 更新                                                                                                                                  

Kanagawa Tour Guide - Seigo U.

Seigo U.

5.00 / 5
(17 reviews)

Hi, I’m Seigo. Thank you for visiting my page. I'm a friendly guy who loves traveling, music, and sports, especially baseball. I enjoy trying my best to take you wherever you want in Japan as much as possible. Key Skills Certified National Licensed Guide Interpreter in English (2018) and Chinese (2020) Domestic Travel Service Supervisor license (2019) Strengths • Extensive travel experience both domestically and internationally. Fluent in English and Chinese, and currently learning Spanish to broaden my global communication skills. • Proven expertise in managing schedules for bus tours, including multi-day and day trips, ensuring smooth and enjoyable experiences. • A commitment to tailoring tours to individual preferences, creating relaxing, memorable, and joyful journeys. Guiding Experience Since 2019, I have guided a variety of tours, including: • Private tours • Day-trip, long tour • Cruise ship excursions I have extensive knowledge of and experience guiding popular destinations across Japan, such as Tokyo, Kamakura, Hakone, Mt. Fuji, Kyoto, Nara, Osaka, Sendai, Kagoshima, and Okinawa. Background and Education After earning a degree in English, I devoted over 35 years to teaching English at high schools and special education schools, while also working with the Prefectural Board of Education. My passion for education extends to online language teaching, where I help students master Japanese, Chinese, and English. Since I have lived in Kanagawa my whole life, I can offer satisfying private customized tours to each guest group. My recommended destinations in Kanagawa are Kamakura, the seat of Japan's first Shogunate, and Hakone, a popular resort area with mountains and Lake Ashinoko. I can also drive you around some nice places in Japan that foreign tourists don't usually visit. Please feel free to contact me anytime. I'm looking forward to seeing you soon!                                                                                                                                 

Ishikawa Tour Guide - Atsuko K.

Atsuko K.

5.00 / 5
(2 reviews)

大家好!我是日本國家註冊導遊Atsuko!我是從2013年開始從事這導遊工作。我原來是個九州的佐賀人,現在住在石川縣金澤市。我現在學習日本茶道。 我可以帶您去以金澤市為主的觀光景點玩。金澤是一座充滿著日本武士文化的城市。除了必去的景點之外,這裡還有很多美食。讓我們一起尋找這裡的魅力吧。跟我一起漫步的話,一定會發現在網上看不到的事情!我等您預約!                                                                                                                                 

Okinawa Main Island Tour Guide - Yukihiro (Hero)行博

Yukihiro (Hero)行博

4.95 / 5
(40 reviews)

Hello, everyone!! My name is Yukihiro(行博), call me "HERO". I'm eager to introduce this unique country, Japan to foreign guests. I am not a professional interpreter. I have retired from Japan Ground Self-Defense Force(JGSDF=Japanese Army) on March 2018. 大家好! 我名字叫xing2 bo2, 請叫我xing bo。我喜歡跟外國遊客分享這個很有意思的國家---日本國。我是個業餘的翻譯導遊, 不太專業, 在2018年3月我退休了日本陸上自衛隊(日本陸軍)。 I have spent most of my career as a Army NCO(Non-commissioned officer) . My job experiences are only in the military, but there are variety of specialties, so I didn't feel boredom. I lived in many places all over Japan, such as Hokkaido 10years, Chiba 15years, Okinawa 8years and more places. 我在軍隊當陸軍士官過了大部分的生活。我的工作經驗只在軍隊內,但是它有很多兵種和工作,所以我沒有膩了。我住過日本各地的很多地方,例如北海道10年,千葉縣15年,沖繩16年還有別的有些地方。 I am working for the half of month as a tour-conductor in Okinawa Japan. Rest of month, I live in Nagasaki Prefecture, and work as a Triple Lights interpreter tour guide. 我一邊在沖繩當旅遊服務員大概半個月,一邊在九州長崎當Triple Lights的翻譯導游工作剩餘的月。 I am registered as a Okinawa prefectural interpreter tour guide (English & Chinese), but don't have a whole Japan area certification. So I am brushing my skill up to get it. 我登記了沖繩縣的地域翻譯導遊(英/中文),可是沒有全國的。所以為了獲得全國導遊資格,我正在繼續學外語。 I speak English, Chinese (simplify & traditional) , no problem to guide you, not like a native though. 我會說英語和中文(簡/繁),作為您的導游沒問題,沒有母語的人那麼好。                                                                                                                                 

Okinawa Main Island Tour Guide - Yukihiro(hero) N.

Yukihiro(hero) N.

4.80 / 5
(5 reviews)

Hello, everyone!! My name is Yukihiro, call me "HERO". I'm eager to introduce this unique country, Japan to foreign guests. I am not a professional interpreter. I have retired from Japan Ground Self-Defense Force(JGSDF=Japanese Army) on March 2018. 大家好! 我名字叫xing2 bo2, 請叫我xing bo(行博)。我喜歡跟外國遊客分享這個很有意思的國家---日本國。我是個業餘的翻譯導遊, 不太專業, 在2018年3月我退休了日本陸上自衛隊(日本陸軍)。 I have spent most of my career as a Army NCO(Non-commissioned officer) . My job experiences are only in the military, but there are variety of specialties, so I didn't feel boredom. I lived in many places all over Japan, such as Hokkaido 10years, Chiba 15years, Okinawa 8years and more places. 我在軍隊當陸軍士官過了大部分的生活。我的工作經驗只在軍隊內,但是它有很多兵種和工作,所以我沒有膩了。我住過日本各地的很多地方,例如北海道10年,千葉縣15年,沖繩16年還有別的有些地方。 I am working for a half of month in Okinawa, and the rest of month in Nagasaki as a Triple Lights interpreter tour guide. 我一邊在沖繩縣大概半個月, 一邊在九州長崎周邊當Triple Lights的翻譯導游工作剩餘的月。 I am registered as a Okinawa prefectural interpreter tour guide (English & Chinese), but don't have a whole Japan certification. So I am brushing my skill up to get it. 我登記了沖繩縣的地域翻譯導遊(英/中文),可是沒有全國的。所以為了獲得全國導遊資格,我正在繼續學外語。 I speak English, Chinese (simplify & traditional) , no problem to guide you, not like a native though. 我會說英語和中文(簡/繁),作為您的導游沒問題,沒有母語的人那麼好。                                                                                                                                 

Tokyo Tour Guide - Kazu K.

Kazu K.

5.00 / 5
(5 reviews)

Hi! 大家好! 我是國家認證中文翻譯導遊,KaZu! 是否想從旅遊中抽出一天,添加特別的經驗!! 來,讓我為您策畫一下! 尋覓日本200年前的懷舊風景 到神社、寺廟感受神聖氣息 到日本傳統庭園走一走 體驗日本的傳統工藝 接觸日本次文化 等等・・・ 我們一起來吧!                                                                                                                                 

Osaka Tour Guide - 裕治


4.71 / 5
(14 reviews)

我是华人,从出生以后一直住在日本。最近我取得了翻译导游的批准,所以给你们介绍一下鲜为人知的好地方 跟美食的餐馆等等。(还有随行买土产品)                                                                                                                                  

Tokyo Tour Guide - William S.

William S.

5.00 / 5
(2 reviews)

Life is short . Play hard, work hard, it’s always my way of life. Thank you for checking my profile page. I will open your mind to Japan's real & authentic image through my tours, which can include hiking, skiing, diving, horse racing once you request me to arrange a customized tour. Night walk, tea ceremony class, fishing, museum visit... anything you want to do, I'm happy to arrange. I will do my best. Let’s go!                                                                                                                                 

Osaka Tour Guide - 北澤


4.71 / 5
(7 reviews)

大家好! 我姓北澤,現住在大阪。我從'80年代開始到2000年代作為國際貿易公司的常駐代表先後在中國大陸的大連,北京,上海與深圳常駐了共7次,時間共達18年,走遍了中國的60個城市與地區。每次均承蒙中國朋友們的格外關照,對此表示衷心的感謝! 關於台灣,也因公出差了20次左右,訪問了台北,基隆,高雄與台中,亦受到了熱情接待,表示衷心的感謝! 至於香港,有過因公出差或私人旅遊,訪問了十多次,也成為很好的回憶。 現在,我作為日本政府國土交通省(交通部)觀光廳(旅遊局)批准的口譯導遊開始工作,已經為中國大陸,台灣以及其他國家‧地區的華人提供了優質的導遊服務。 希望繼續為中國,台灣,香港,新加坡以及其他國家‧地區的華人遊客們介紹美麗的日本風光,日本美食以及日本文化等。希望各位隨時垂詢。我將竭盡全力為大家提供優質服務, 謝謝大家!                                                                                                                                 

Osaka Tour Guide - Rio S.

Rio S.

4.88 / 5
(33 reviews)

【Guarantee the best guiding quality】 Hello! I'm a humorous tour guide of 100% Osaka local.Please call me Rio. I can take you to the places which only foreign tourists are too difficult to visit or find out. As a certificated famous tour guide, I will give you a good memories and fresh discoveries during your Japan journey. I'm a professional about Kansai area's culture and history, so registered as best sightseeing master from several tour agencies and organizations. Speak to me in your own language. I can speak many kinds of language like English, Chinese, Taiwanese, Indonesian, Vietnamese and so on.. So don't hesitate to communicate with me frankly! I absolutely guarantee the best tour quality. I wait your coming! Thanks,Ookini!                                                                                                                                 

Tokyo Tour Guide - Min T.

Min T.

4.86 / 5
(21 reviews)

Hi, I’m Min! I have been working as a tour guide in Tokyo since 2018, and I truly enjoy helping visitors explore the cultural, historical, and modern aspects of this vibrant city. Traveling, meeting new people, and experiencing diverse cultures are my true passions. Over the past few years, I have been fortunate to visit over 12 countries and explore many unique locations throughout Japan. I look forward to helping you create amazing memories in Tokyo. My goal is to provide travelers with a joyful and satisfying tour experience. Come and explore Tokyo with me!!!:)) Hi~大家好,我是來自台灣台北並長期住在日本東京的Min !!!在日本已經在住10年,不管是日本文化還是日語程度方面,都不成問題。所以要幫忙購物免稅、訂車票、熱門餐廳的事前訂位都難不倒我^ ^ 在台灣的時候,遊覽車跟團、私人家庭團、小型旅行團…等,我有6年的帶團導遊經驗,突發狀況也能隨機應變! 所以跟著我可以放心邊吃邊玩邊散步運動,有想去的地方或者店家都可以事前告訴我,讓我為您以最順路省錢的方式,做行程上的更改!!!! 滿足享受在這趟旅行中~                                                                                                                                 

Kobe Tour Guide - Rika N.

Rika N.


Hi, I am Rika. I am in Kobe city now. Welcome to Rika’s personal guide tour! I was born in China, group up in Japan, high school was an English course, and majored in Business Administration at Kobe University, so I speak Chinese, Japanese and English! I like working with people. I worked for a major trading company, competing for first or second place in Japan, for over 10 years. I am currently working for a share houses company. The company manages more than 12 share houses in Kobe. About half of our residents are foreigners from different contries. I really enjoy talking with the people who have various backgrounds around the world. Kobe is a very convenient place with easy access to Osaka, Nara and Kyoto! It is famous for its traditional culture, old history, wonderful nature and delicious food, like Kobe beef as you know! So far I have two main tours available. One is” Eating Tour” at Higashiyama shopping street. Higashiyama Shopping Street is known as “Kobe's kitchen” and has long been loved by Kobe citizens. You can enjoy the local food tour and learn some survival Japanese while you are at it! The other one is Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge, which is one of the world's longest suspension bridges! We can go to the top of the Bridge, 300m over the sea, and enjoy the panoramic view from the top! Let’s get together to enjoy real Japan! I am waiting for you!                                                                                                                                  

Kanagawa Tour Guide - Zherui Y.

Zherui Y.


想來日本観光的各位朋友:你們好! 我是出生在台湾彰化縣、26歳時來日本留学、之後就一直留在日本作生意。因生意的関係走遍了全日本。對日本的文化、風俗習慣很了解。把累積20多年的経験可以一一的介紹給大家。 我的導遊費用是日幣一天8時15,000元(不含交通費、餐費)。                                                                                                                                 

Gifu Tour Guide - Bonnie C.

Bonnie C.

5.00 / 5
(4 reviews)

I am a cheerful and energetic lady from Hong Kong. I came to Takayama first as a tourist since 2014 and I fell in love with this region. In spare time, I enjoy exploring traditional events and festivals as well as new restaurants in all these areas. Being a tour conductor in Shirakawago, I am equipped with knowledge and skills in guiding single traveler, family and groups(more than 40 guests). With my fluent English, Chinese and abundant knowledge of this region, I am confident to show you around and tailor-made your desirable schedule. I am looking forward to seeing you.                                                                                                                                  

Kyoto Tour Guide - Mag C.

Mag C.


Hi everyone, with living in Kyoto about 1.5 years, I explored lots of places, temples, restaurants and unique Japanese activities which I am very eager to recommend the travellers to experience. I can also create tailor made itinerary from 0.5 day to 5 days to give you light touch or in depth taste of Kyoto and other cities around.