En nuestro encuentro de Zoom interactivo, les mostraré una presentación PowerPoint sobre el único códice Maya que se encuentra en México. Solo 10 páginas se han preservado. les explicaré por qué originalmente debe haber tenido 20 páginas. !Incluso, les mostraré las 20 páginas! Les explicaré cómo fue usado este códice por los astrónomos mayas como almanaque de Venus. Acompáñeme en este viaje mil años atrás en el tiempo.
America/Mexico_City (UTC +-6hs)
Nuestro encuentro por Zoom tardará aproximadamente dos horas. Durante y después de la presentación pueden hacer preguntas, claro. La hora del encuentro depende de Su lugar y Su preferencia. Háganme una sugerencia y nos ponemos de acuerdo.
Déjense sorprender
Normally, I am available every day. I prefer working as a guide doing round trips. My tours vary very much and usually last from 3 to 8 days. I can do day trips as well.
John W.
Day trip from Cancun to Tulum and Cobá in minivan
“Excellent triop to Tulum & Coba”
We had a day trip with Jens today visiting Coba & Tulum. It was a wonderful experience & would recommend Jens very highly to anyone interested in exploring the Myan culture and Mexico. Our day started at 8.00am and we traveled by air conditioned mini bus to Tulum. The driver was superb, very friendly, very efficient. En route, Jens introduced us to Mayan hieroglyphics, explaining the system and meaning as well as the Mayan calendar. Hugely enriching. We then traveled to Coba where Jens sorted out a bicycle 'taxi' for us so we toured the ruins at leisure without having to walk much at all. Overall a wonderful experience We then stopped for what was an exceptional local buffet for lunch and finally a cenote to have a quick swim. Honestly, an excellent day. Very highly recommended!
Jens R.
(1 reviews)The pleasure was all mine.