如果有任何想改的行程,特別˙想去的店家,請聯絡我!! 我可以依照您想去的地方作路線的更改。
※我不是嚴格的導遊,任何行程都好商量,希望讓您的這趟旅行更加充實與快樂^ ^
“Fake tour guide ”
Playing mind games with me and manipulation can affect people metal health and she certainly is persistent faking a relationship or testing me and still thinking we going to be best friends. I honestly never agreed on any of this its very immature of her as I paid for a tour guide that all but it was all one big game for her to boast her ego and benefit from Min uses all my weaknesses like being valuable and very shy to take advantage she should not be trusted as a tour guide and she needs to grow up or be trained properly.
“Bad tour guide ”
Unprofessional behaviour
“Very Unprofessional behaviour ”
I tour with Min for a few days and also booked other tour guides that were brilliant as i needed more help as it was my first time ever traveling alone and i was very valuable in Japan. I did tell Min about being depressed and stressed out before coming to Japan. Min is a very caring person and good at her job in lots of ways so it pain me to write this honest review But when touring with me it's like she completely switched her personality and forgot her job and min is not capable of understanding how to treat people equally or having any patience whatsoever. Min was very disrespectful and I regret ever trusting her and touring with her because lots of misleading behaviour that destroys my holiday and did not treat me like she was my tour guide one bit it felt like she was angry at times or bored it probably partly my fault as i am a very quiet person but she did not make much effort some days. After finish touring with Min I tour with another guide and noticed just how very unprofessional Min behaviour was towards me I honestly need to stand up for myself in the future.