Re: Fully Enjoying The Wide Campus of Hokkaido University in Middle of Fall
It was an exceptionally beautiful day today in the largest city in the Northland, Sapporo. I walked and walked and walked around the wide campus (more than 20,000 steps) after the big event of Home Coming Day...,including the places of my old memories,.... sweet, bitter and sentimental days more than 40 years ago.
[The University's Official Gate]

[The Museum of Hokkaido University]

[In Front of the Museum]

[Wide Lawn of Elm Trees]

[Old Insectology Classroom]

[Furukawa Memorial Lecture Hall (Protected Building)]

[Central Lawn]

[In Front of University Library]

[The Line of Poplar Trees near the Agriculture Farm]

[The Statue of Inazo NITOBE (新渡戸 稲造)]

[Ono Ike Pond near Engineering Dept. (大野池)]

[Inside of the Museum ]

[Model Barn [1 of 3] (Protected Building)]

[Model Barn [2 of 3] (Protected Building)]

[Model Barn [3 of 3] (Protected Building)]

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