我將會到鹿兒島郵輪港接到你們之後,出發到平時很少人會帶你去的霧島藝術森林公園。在這裡,你將會沐浴在負離子的大自然中,欣賞設置在露天公園裡的包括草間彌生(Yayoi Kusama)等著名藝術家創作的多個大型藝術作品。然後參觀在2021年被指定為國寶的霧島神宮,再來一起品嘗鹿兒島當地的大眾美食。最後當然還不少得參觀只有在這裡獨特的地瓜蒸餾酒 (shochu/焼酎) 工廠。最後,我會安全地把你們送回郵輪港口, 結束一天8小時的鹿兒島難忘之旅。不要猶豫啦,快來看預約吧!
This itinerary can be customized to meet your needs and preferences. Send me a message with your requests!
Meeting Point
鹿兒島 郵輪碼頭 大堂/ Kagoshima port
鹿兒島 郵輪碼頭 大堂/ Kagoshima port
霧島藝術森林公園(Kirishima open-air museum/霧島アートの森)
沐浴在大自然氣息露天公園裡,欣賞包括草間彌生(Yayoi Kusama)等著名藝術家創作的多個大型藝術作品
霧島神宮 (Kirishima shrine)
國寶級別的霧島神宮, 感受日本傳統文化
當地美食 ( Local food)
鹿兒島的美食( 壽司,海鮮, 黑豚/ 黑牛等)
地瓜蒸餾酒 (焼酎) 工廠 (Shochu factory)
參觀焼酎(shochu)的製造工廠/ 或者 黑醋(kuro-zu)工廠
鹿兒島 郵輪碼頭/ Kagoshima port
Ending Point
鹿兒島 郵輪碼頭/ Kagoshima port
This tour can be customized to meet your needs and preferences. Click below to send me a message with your requests.
導遊費用, 遊輪碼頭接送
午餐( 1,200日圓起), 入場費(霧島藝術森林公園320日圓/ 成人),交通費(如有需要可以代為租車)
如果您不想參觀參觀焼酎(shochu)的製造工廠,可以改為參觀黑醋(kuro-zu)工廠 .
※午餐, 購物等所 產生的費用, 客人需要自付.
Hello, 我姓鄧,英文名叫Tiffany。來日本讀書到結婚工作20多年的澳門人。現在是日本九州的中文導游(Chinese / Cantonese tour guide)。除了日語和廣東話之外,國語(普通話)流利,以及日常英文溝通都沒問題,所以我的客人大多來自香港,澳門,台灣,國內,還有馬來西亞,新加坡,還有美加華人等國籍非常多元化。由於我在日本的大學讀完研究生以後工作了差不多十年中,曾經從事過鹿兒島國際交流協會,鹿兒島觀光連盟(相當於官方旅游局)和主持過本地電視台(KYT)介紹旅游和美食的節目。所以對於九州,特別是鹿兒島這個地方的風土人情,美食特色的實務和相關專業知識,可能比日本人一點都不遜色呢(笑!)
無論您是幾個小時或者一天的短途旅遊, 或是連續幾天的深度旅遊,我相信可以為您的旅途錦上添花。
2019年10月 Tang Tiffany
2023・03 更新
Stan V.
“Super leuke dag met Sini”
Onze dag in Kagoshima was nogal wisselvallig, met af en toe flinke regenbuien. Ondanks dat heeft Sini ons de leuke plekken van de stad laten zien: de tuin die onder het Unesco werelderfgoed valt, het uitkijkpunt, de shrine en diverse andere plaatsen. Tussendoor hebben we gezellig over Japan en Kagoshima kunnen praten en heel wat “bijgeleerd”. Wij zijn blij dat Sini onze gids was; ze heeft onze regenachtige dag in Kagoshima toch héél zonnig gemaakt. Sini bedankt !!
Sini T.
Thank you for your quivkly review!! Although we can’t control the weather, our trip was completed as our itinerary. Thank you for liking Kagoshima and the time we spent together. I am so lucky to guided with you, such a happy couple!! I will remember your kindness and smiles. Wish you a pleasant cruise trip! Looking forward to seeing you someday in somewhere again!
Connie H.
“Excellent guide and beautiful city ”
Tiffany is a great guide, professional, extremely knowledgeable, warm and friendly. Thanks to her, I had a fulfilling and enjoyable day trip and got to learn about the area’s interesting historical and cultural development. She tried to work in as many locations as possible to show me the most of Kagoshima in the limited time that we have and I am grateful for the extra mile she went. She also does tours to other parts of Kyushu. Wish I had booked her for an extra day to bring me to Miyazaki as well. Engage her service and you won’t regret it. Highly recommended.
Sini T.
Thank you Connie!! I am so Happy to hear that you enjoyed the trip with me in Kagoshima ( ^ω^ ) Again thank you for the goureous lunch in Kirishima. Looking forward going to Miyazaki or other places in South Kyushu again in the near future!
James W.
“What an amazing Guide”
Sini met us at the cruise terminal at Kagoshima and took us on a tour of the city area taking in the observatory, the statue of the last samurai, the glass blowing factory and the wonderful Sengan-en gardens. She is hugely knowledgeable of the area, is a very good driver and no matter what she thinks she has very good english. She was a joy to be with and if we are fortunate enough to re-visit Kagoshima we would be delighted to use her services again.
Sini T.
Dear Jim and Margo, thank you for your review! I am very happy to hear that you like and enjoy Kagoshima as your one day guide. I love your gift so much. The map now is hanging in my living room, and I could remember two of you always. One day was not enough for us, and there are other beautiful places in Kagoshima waiting to be discovered with you... I look forward to guiding you to more places again in the future, not only Kagoshima, may be also Kumamoto, Miyazaki, Nagasaki and other places in Kyushu! Thank you again, and wish you always be healthy and happy!
$245/ per group