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Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji ひらがな、カタカナ、漢字

Masaki H.

by Masaki H.

(76 reviews)
Last updated : Mar 04, 20215 min read


 Japan has four different writing systems.


They consist of hiragana, katakana, kanji (Chinese character), and Roman alphabets.


The former two scripts are phonetic symbols, and each symbol represents a syllable.


Kanji have their own meanings.


The most frequent use of these four is hiragana.


blog imageHiragana were first used by aristocrats about 1100 years ago in the Heian Period.


Hiragana was created by making use of parts of some kanji.


In the Nara period, only Chinese characters were used.


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The records of ancient matters, the oldest chronicles of Japan, and the collections of ancient poems, all were written in Chinese characters.



Katakana was first used by Buddhist priests when they read sutras written by Chinese characters.


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When Japanese children enter primary school,  they learn hiragana first.


There are only 48 symbols in hiragana, easier to write than Chinese characters.


The development of hiragana was a revolutionary event.


Until then, only men were engaged in writing business.


It must have stimulated women's creative mind.


How glad women aristocrats were when they first saw hiragana!


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Female writers appeared in the imperial courts.


They began to write novels, essays, and diaries in hiragana and Chinese characters.


As you know, some calligraphies contain hiragana and kanji.

They look feminine  and  less imposing than that of Chinese characters.


Roman alphabets were used by only a few people in the Edo period , but it didn't spread until the Meiji era.


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When you walk shopping streets in Japan, you will be able to see these four scripts on the signboard of every shop.  



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Masaki H.

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