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3 Great Must-See Features of Niyodo River Besides Gorges & Waterfalls in Kochi

Kosuke K.

by Kosuke K.

(6 reviews)
Last updated : Jan 05, 20245 min read


The Niyodo River of Kochi has become more and more popular all over Japan, because there are some beautiful and dynamic natural spots such as Nakatsu Gorge, Yasui Gorge and Nikobuchi, a waterfall plunge pool. You will be satisfied with these famous sightseeing spots, but I want you to know other important things you can’t miss. If you read this blog, I’m sure you will experience and taste these things.


 Specialty Tea Produced by the Niyodo River

                                                                                                                                                                Terraced Tea Plantation  

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                                                                                                                                                                                Paper Making

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There are various kinds of products grown along this river, such as Japanese green tea, rice, Japanese handmade paper, and oranges. Of course, the high-quality water contributes to the production of these things. And also, other reasons are river fog, temperature difference between daytime and nighttime, geological conditions including lime and so on. During my tour, I’ll take you to the best places where you can enjoy tasting these things.



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 In this photo, there are some white huge rocks which are cherts. These rocks were carried to Japan on the ocean plate from the very, very far ocean, as far as the equator. About 170 million years ago, living planktons called Housanchu were moving in the deep ocean, about, 4000m deep. And dead Housanchu were stacked and stacked, then they became this kind of chert rock. Can you believe it?  If you find broken pieces of chert during my tour, it is possible that you may see some fossils of plankton.


River Activities

                                                                                                                                                                                The Niyodo River

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 The Niyodo River is an ideal spot for Canoeing, Kayaking and Stand-Up paddleboarding. Especially, it is not dangerous for beginners to join these river sports in this river. That is because the flow of water is not so fast in some part and the river is wide enough for beginners to enjoy these activities. Furthermore, there are many instructors who are experienced, skilled and friendly. And of course, you can fish in this river. You may fish sweet fish called “Ayu”. If you join my tour, I’ll surely take you to the facility where they provide you with wonderful instructors and beginners-friendly canoes & kayaks.



 Of course, you will be fascinated by dynamic and unbelievable natural scenes. But, I want you to know there are other products and items which local people have taken care of for a long time. I’ll show you where to find them and how to enjoy them. Why don’t you join my tour?


 Please refer to my tour, Kochi Niyodo River-Paper Making, Crystal Kayak & Matcha.

Thank you! 

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Kosuke K.

Kosuke K.

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(6 reviews)

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