Kamakura is a town known as "Kyoto of Eastern Japan," because it has numerous temples, shrines and other historical monuments. In this one-day tour, you can savor the traditional Japanese arts and culture of Kamakura Shogunate - the first Japan's feudal government that prospered 800 years ago!!
Please be noted that the spots to be visited can be arranged per your request. The following time table is just an example for your consideration.
At your hotel in the central Tokyo (within the twenty-three wards of Tokyo)
At the train station nearest from your hotel
guide fee, hotel pick-up fee, lunch fee for guide
transportation fees for you and guide, lunch fee for you, entrance fees for you and guide,
Reference (expected costs)
- total transportation fee: about 2,500 yen per person
- lunch: about 1,500 yen per person
- total entrance fee: about 1,000 yen per person
You are kindly requested to pay for my transportation fee.