GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!
GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!
Nara Private Tour - "春日大社"(世界文化遺產)
Nara Private Tour - "春日大社"(世界文化遺產)
Nara Private Tour - 春日大社參拜道
Nara Private Tour - 春日大社(神社)的植物園
Nara Private Tour - 春日大社(神社)的植物園
Nara Private Tour - 春日大社(神社)的植物園"紫藤"
Nara Private Tour - 春日大社(神社)的植物園"紫藤"
Nara Private Tour - 奈良公園的"鹿群"
Nara Private Tour - “東大寺"(世界文化遺產)仁王像
Nara Private Tour - “東大寺"(世界文化遺產)仁王像
Nara Private Tour - “東大寺"大佛殿(現存的世界最大的木造建築)
Nara Private Tour - “東大寺大佛像"
Nara Private Tour - 興福寺
Nara Private Tour - 興福寺"五重塔"
Nara Private Tour - 興福寺"五重塔"
Nara Private Tour - 興福寺“東金堂"
Nara Private Tour - 興福寺"地藏"
Nara Private Tour - 興福寺五重塔屋頂"法輪"
Nara Private Tour - 興福寺五重塔與"猿澤之池"
Nara Private Tour - 奈良町老街
Nara Private Tour - 奈良町老街
Nara Private Tour - 奈良町老街
Nara Private Tour - 奈良町老街
Nara Private Tour - 奈良町古街,"春鹿釀造廠"
Nara Private Tour - 奈良町古街,春鹿釀造廠
Nara Private Tour - 奈良町古街,在春鹿釀造廠可以品嚐日本清酒(有償)
Nara Private Tour - 奈良町古街,"御靈神社"
Nara Private Tour - 奈良町古街"格子之家"
Nara Private Tour - 奈良町老古街"格子之家"
Nara Private Tour - 奈良町古街"格子之家"
Nara Private Tour - 奈良町古街"格子之家"
Nara Private Tour - 奈良町古街,"替身猴"
Nara Private Tour - 奈良町古街
Nara Private Tour - 奈良町古街,"替身猴"的廣告

古都奈良 ~ 東大寺,春日大社,奈良公園,興福寺,奈良町(古街)

Art, Culture, & Historical
Nara Tour Guide - 北澤

Joined 2016

4.71 / 5
(7 reviews)
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Interview-Based Quality Checks
GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!Nara
GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!Japanese (Native), Chinese (Traditional), English, Chinese (Simplified)
GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!6 hours
GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!Private tour (only you and 北澤)
GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!Up to 8 people











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09:30 AM

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  • GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!
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  • GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!
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  • GoWithGuideFind your perfect tour guide at GoWithGuide. Relax and cherish unforgettable tours with loved ones. Create personalized tours for a truly memorable trip!
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Nara Tour Guide - 北澤

Joined 2016

4.71 / 5
(7 reviews)
Identity Verified
Interview-Based Quality Checks

About Tour Guide 北澤









Highly recommended! 非常推荐北?先生的?游服?,??的物超所?!

北泽先生对日本的历史非常熟悉,我们的时间有点短但想去的景点挺多的。北泽先生给我们量身定制了详细的行程,也推荐了地点合适的酒店。最后我们竟然去了所有想去的地方!当然走的也累的(日本的大部分景点都不允许机动车进去的,所以最好能量力而行,提前和导游沟通好)。 除了认真细致的行程计划和丰富的知识,北泽先生的语言能力也令人惊叹,中文交流完全没有问题,这一点在日本本地导游中是很难得的。作为本地人他完美解决了我们在语言方面的担忧。也给我们介绍了日本的风土人情的社交习惯等,整个行程行云流水,非常顺利。 Mr. Satoshi is a marvelous guide who knows the area very well and guided us through the trip. We wanted to go to a lot of places in a relatively short time and was surprised that Satoshi san can fit them all in. His knowledge of the history of Japan greatly helped us when we visited the attractions. When we were on the subway or buses, he would tell us interesting stories and there was never a bored time. I highly recommend Satoshi san to anyone who wants an interesting and memorable trip in Japan!

Libo F.


Dear Libo Feng Thank you very much for your compliments! I am also much appreciated to be acquainted with all of your super family. Please kindly keep posted in future. Thank you very much again for your order this time. Satoshi Kitazawa

A memorable tour

My husband and I spent a beautiful half day with Mr. Kitazawa. It was raining most of the time but Mr Kitazawa kept us very much entertained and energized. I will definitely come back again and hope to have another interesting tour with Mr Kitazawa.

Jane M.


Dear Jane M. Thanksfor you very much for your kind review! I am looking forward to seeing you again someday. Satoshi Kitazawa

Great day thanks to Satoshi although bad wheather

Satoshi guided us a whole day through the key things to visit in Kyoto. We learned a lot of thinks thanks to Satoshi. He knows the area very good and is well informed about the sightseeing attractions. Although we had a rainy day, Satoshi managed to make it look like a sunny day for us. Domo arigatou gozaimasu. Looking forwards in seeing you again in the future. Best regards, Andrea

Andrea M.


Dear Andrea Thank you very much for your comments! I'm very glad to hear that you are much satisfied at my guidings. If you or your friends have a chance to visit Japan again, please feel free to contact me any time. Sincerely yours, Satoshi Kitazawa

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$234/ per group

More tours by 北澤

京都一日精彩遊 ~ 伏見稻荷,東山地區,祇園,錦市場cover image

京都一日精彩遊 ~ 伏見稻荷,東山地區,祇園,錦市場

8 hours

訪問代表日本古都之一,“京都"的代表性的景點。在這裡可以親身體驗日本的傳統文化。 京都是被美國Travel+Leisure公司被認定為在世界人氣觀光城市排行榜中2014年與2015年 連續兩年獲得了第一名的國際觀光城市。 "伏見稻荷(神社)"是被美國Trip Advisor(世界權威性的旅遊雜誌)認定為2014,2015年 連續兩年在日本的景點排行榜中外國遊客最多的景點。 "清水寺"是代表京都,甚至代表日本的寺廟。"清水寺舞台"是表達人們的“覺悟"的地方。 "清水坡道",沿途的房屋多建於江戶時代(17~19世紀),被列為國家級傳統建築保存區,當中 既有民居,也有很多商店。這些商店賣的多是一些極具京都特色的雜貨,特產,工藝品等,還有 不少賣小吃如雪糕,燒餅,綠茶與陶瓷器("清水燒")。 在"祇園"地區,如果碰運氣,可以看見"舞妓"(她們白天練歌舞,看不到)。

FROM$234/ per group
京都一日精彩遊 ~嵯峨,嵐山cover image

京都一日精彩遊 ~嵯峨,嵐山

4 hours 30 min

嵐山與嵯峨位於京都西邊,是依山靠河的風光明媚的名勝古蹟。 春天可以欣賞盛開的櫻花,秋天可以欣賞鮮艷的紅葉。 這裡的空氣特別新鮮。路上能看到"人力車",也有一種獨特的氣氛。 天龍寺是一個被認定為世界文化遺產的名剎,設有迴游式的日式 庭園,水池子裡面有很多“錦鯉",非常漂亮! "竹林"是聞名於世的景點,夏天也感覺到比較涼快。 "大覺寺"起源於公曆876年。曾經是嵯峨御所(皇宮),也是""華道"(插花)的發祥地。

FROM$234/ per group
走遍地道的大阪 ~ 天神橋筋,中崎町,黑門市場,千日前,道頓堀,法善寺cover image

走遍地道的大阪 ~ 天神橋筋,中崎町,黑門市場,千日前,道頓堀,法善寺

6 hours

走遍地地道道的大阪的商店街與平民居住區。 "大阪生活今昔館"是在日本第一個以大阪的"住宅與生活"為主題的博物館。館內以實物尺寸重現了日本江戶時代後期(19世紀)的 大阪市街道的風光。這裡可以租賃"和服"並在江戶時代的街道逛街,很受外國遊客的歡迎。 "天神橋筋商店街"是一條在日本最長的商店街(2.6Km長,約有600家的商店,飯莊等等)。這裡的風光與大阪的心齋橋,難波與梅田完全不同, 代表著平民的生活。 "中崎町"至今仍然保持著“昭和時代"的氣氛,但是其中也有改造舊房子的瀟洒的咖啡廳,服裝店等等,非常有趣。 "黑門市場",不用再說明。與京都的"錦市場"並駕齊驅,別稱"大阪之廚房" "道頓堀川(河)"有巡航從道頓堀至西邊的堀江地區的遊覽船,航行時間只需20分鐘。既然來到道頓堀,不坐該船就白不坐!

FROM$234/ per group
大阪一日精彩遊(看,吃,玩三位一體)cover image


8 hours

住吉大社(神社)是擁有1800年的悠久歷史的神社,全國所有住吉神社的總本社(總部),是大阪人的保佑神。 在新世界地區,可以親身感覺到地地道道的大阪,通天閣雖然只有100米高,但是從大阪人的心中來說,還是屬於世界最高的一座塔。 在這裡可以品嚐美味的大阪靈魂食品"炸串"(材料為肉,蔬菜,蝦等等)。 難波,千日前與心齋橋商店區屬於大阪兩大繁華區之一,川流不息。 大阪城,不用再解釋,是一座姿態雄偉宏大的美麗的城堡,是由豐臣秀吉於16世紀末營造的。每年二月份可以欣賞很香的梅花(梅林),四月上旬可以欣賞盛開的櫻花。 梅田藍天大樓"空中庭園"可以俯瞰360度的全景,尤其是從這裡看見的夜景特別漂亮。

FROM$234/ per group

Other Popular Art, Culture, & Historical Tours in Nara

One day tour in Naracover image

One day tour in Nara

7 hours

Highlights of the tour are feeding deers in Nara Park and overwhelmed by the great Budha, Daibutu. Tour also visits several historcal sites. As all historical sites are located in the Nara park, we will mainly walk through the park ( 5~8km ) The tour also can customized in line with the customer's interest, historical sites, cultural sites or shopping.

FROM$162/ per group
Japan Tour Guide - Yasuhisa K.
Yasuhisa K.
4.97 / 5
(35 reviews)
Let's enjoy walking around the ancient city called Heijyokyo or Nara established in 710.cover image

Let's enjoy walking around the ancient city called Heijyokyo or Nara established in 710.

8 hours

Nara is the most ancient city in Japan. You can see one of the most biggest images of Buddha in Japan called"Daibutu-san", and You also see many deer roaming freely around in Nara park. We visit Kasuga-Taisya Shrine ,founded to protect the Heijyokyo, which is also the deity of Fujiwara family is enshrined.

FROM$117/ per group
Japan Tour Guide - Hiroshi Y.
Hiroshi Y.
4.67 / 5
(329 reviews)
Tour of the Great Buddha of Naracover image

Tour of the Great Buddha of Nara

4 hours

(Highlights) The Great Buddha of Nara is a magnificent structure weighing some 500 tons. Originally built in 752 AD, the stature is 15.9 meters high excluding the pedestal and its face 4.8 meters long. Subsequently, it was damaged by natural disasasters, fires and wars and was repaired several times. It was completely rebuilt in the Edo period (1603-1867). You will be amazed at the splendid image of the Great Buddha calmly seated on the pedestal with the look of a perfect repose and passionless calm. His right hand shows mercy and left hand, the wisdom of the universe. The building housing this huge image, The Great Buddha Hall of Todaiji Temple, is the largest existing wooden structure in the world, having an area of 54 meters by 49 meters and a height of 45 meters. It was burned down by a fire twice, but was rebuilt in the Edo period. (How to enjoy) You will be amazed at how huge the Buddha image is. Immerse yourself in the solemn atmosphere it creates amid the odor of burning incense, wonder at the ancient technology and the wisdom and the devotion of people. After all, you will never end up not being deeply impressed with the aura the "Daibutsu-sama" Great Buddha emits. Everywhere around the Great Buddha Hall, in the meantime, you can enjoy mixing with tame deer which do you no harm but ask you for food, "shika-sembei", which is being sold at the nearby stalls for 150 yen a pack containing some 50 grams of the deer food. You will feel very happy feeding, stroking and hugging the cute animal whose number exceeds, perhaps, 100. (Others) The transportation fare between Kyoto and Nara on a Kintetsu train is 620 yen (plus 510 yen if you take a limited express train). The entrance fee to Todaiji temple is 600 yen.

FROM$99/ per group
Japan Tour Guide - Tatsuhiro N.
Tatsuhiro N.
4.54 / 5
(59 reviews)
Nara Sightseeing & the World of Buddhist Statuarycover image

Nara Sightseeing & the World of Buddhist Statuary

7 hours

Through this tour you will be intrigued with the charm of Buddhist statuary, which represents people's wishes and prayers. Figures of statues vary according to the development of eras from Asuka period to Muromachi period. At the same time you can visit Nara Park, where you can feed deer. Also you can visit a nice sake tasting place after the tour if you like.

FROM$227/ per group
Japan Tour Guide - Yoshihisa T.
Yoshihisa T.
4.97 / 5
(231 reviews)