Graduation ceremony is held in March, when the school year ends in Japan. The ceremony is held in the school gym with all the students, their parents and the teachers. The highlight of the ceremony is the moment when the graduates receive a diploma from the principal on the stage while people are paying attention to them. In elementary and junior high schools, diplomas are handed to each student after their name is called by their teacher. They go up to the stage and receive a diploma from the principal. In most high schools, on the other hand, each student is called one after another by their teacher but the representatives of each class receive the diplomas for all the students in the class.
After that, the representative of non-graduates and graduates make a speech in that order. A speech made by the graduate usually makes us shed tears as the speech is always very touching. In elementary and junior high schools, the graduates turn around and face their parents and the non-graduates sitting in the back of the gym and they thank them singing a song for them. This is a very touching moment and many girls are crying while singing.