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8 of the Best Attractions in Nagasaki

Luke Kinsella

by GoWithGuide travel specialist:Luke Kinsella

Last updated : Feb 24, 202315 min read

Things To Do

Planning a trip or tour of Nagasaki? Here are the most popular attractions, ranging from a theme park modeled around a Dutch town, Japan’s oldest surviving wooden Western-style house, and an island shaped like a battleship. Read on for the eight best attractions in Nagasaki:

1. Nagasaki Chinatown

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Nagasaki Shinchi Chinatown is one of the three big Chinatowns in Japan, standing alongside Yokohama and Kobe. There are brilliant chuukamon gates at the entrances in all four directions, and 250m into the area, there is a cozy crossroads where about 40 Chinese restaurants are located. The origins of Chinatown came from many Chinese people moving to this area due to the abandonment of Chinese settlements at the end of the Edo Era which had been built on reclaimed land for storehouses for trade products from China during the middle of that era.

A popular item in Chinatown is champon. A noodle dish from Fujian Province given a Japanese spin, the birthplace is said to be the restaurant Shikairou which was founded in 1899. It is a rich soup with thick noodles and plenty of vegetables and seafood on top. There are also other popular Nagasaki Chinatown dishes such as saraudon which is crispy deep-fried noodles topped with a thick champon sauce, and tonpourou (Dongpo Pork) which is gently simmered pork sandwiched into fluffy pao bread.

The Nagasaki Lantern Festival started in earnest from 2004. It was originally an event held by local Chinatown residents to celebrate the Chinese New Year, and currently it is a seasonal reminder that winter is ending. Annually, the Lunar New Year lasts 15 days from around the middle of February, and in the central areas of the city such as Nagasaki Shinchi Chinatown and the Hamanomachi Arcade, approximately 15000 Chinese lanterns decorate the streets. Starting from the main venue of Minato Park, every place that celebrates the event has huge lantern-like works of art modeled after the zodiac and historical figures from China. During this time, lively events such as parades, shows by Chinese folk art groups, Chinese lion dances, dragon dances and kokyu musical performances are held.

Admission: Free

Guidebook from Planetyze about Nagasaki Chinatown
Reviews from TripAdvisor about Nagasaki Chinatown
Tours of Nagasaki Chinatown

2. Kofukuji Temple

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In the early part of the Edo Era (around 1600), Nagasaki had become an international city specializing in trade. There was an overwhelming number of Chinese people among the foreign traders, and it was said that one in six residents were from China. At the time, prohibition against Christianity was strict and there were questions about Christians among the Chinese, so to show that they were Buddhists, many Chinese temples were constructed. Among them, Kofukuji Temple was said to be Japan’s oldest example, and was established in 1620 for the purposes of praying for safety on the high seas and for peace toward the deceased. It is also called “The Red Temple” due to the main gate painted in vermillion. The founder, Ingen, was the first monk from China to become the chief priest of a holy site in Japan, and it’s also known that monks such as Mokusu Nyojo who built the Megane-bashi (Spectacles) Bridge and Itsunen who originated early modern Chinese illustrations were also prominent chief priests there. During the Second World War, although Nagasaki suffered terrible damage from the atomic bomb, the temple was saved from the fires and today the atmosphere from that time still exists today.

The Daiyuden Main Hall is built in the Chinese style with features such as elaborately carved pillars and beams, round Hyoretsu-shiki Kumiko windows, arched Oubaku ceilings and gourd-shaped bottles on the top ridge of the roof(during earthquakes, the bottles would open and water would flow over the main hall to protect it from fire). It’s an unusual construction which differs from Japanese architecture and has been designated as an Important Cultural Property. The Japanese-style “Kane Korou” (Bell Drum Tower) has been rated as the most beautiful in the nation, and there remain cultural assets within the temple such as the “Gyoban” drum in the form of a wooden fish, and a gate built in 1689 for use by Chinese residents to live in one area to prevent smuggling.

Admission: Adult: ¥ 300 / Child: ¥ 100

Guidebook from Planetyze about Kofukuji Temple
Reviews from TripAdvisor about Kofukuji Temple
Tours of Kofukuji Temple

3. Glover Garden

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Centering on Glover Residence, Ringer House and Alt House which have been nationally designated as Important Cultural Properties, these are 6 facilities which had been located throughout the city as Western-style buildings in the 1860s before being dismantled and restored. These residences of traders who loved and lived in Nagasaki have been preserved in their original state, and the interiors have been recreated to show the lifestyle of that time.

Glover Residence is Japan’s oldest surviving wooden Western-style house and was the home of Scotland-born Thomas Blake Glover who traded in weapons and ships. It was revealed that he had gone beyond his position as a foreign trader for Japan’s reconstruction, and assisted in sending many young Japanese people to study overseas. Furthermore, Glover contributed to modern scientific technology in Japan and pioneered in the fields of shipbuilding, mining, fishing, steel manufacturing, minting, and beer production. In the roof above the corridor by his wife’s room in Glover Residence, it’s said that there is a hidden windowless room from where the patriots during the final years of the Tokugawa shogunate went in and out, and it’s known that Glover had been a historic mastermind contributing to reformation at that time.

Glover Garden is built on a slope reflecting Nagasaki’s unique topography, and from the residence garden you can enjoy a panoramic view of Nagasaki Harbor and Mt. Inasa, and there are flowers planted in the garden all throughout the four seasons. Night illumination is also available on a seasonal basis so you can enjoy a romantic atmosphere. In particular, during the summer (end of July to beginning of October), there is a beer garden within the garden area where you can enjoy a meal in an open atmosphere while viewing an 1860s landscape and the modern and beautiful night view of Nagasaki. On the weekends, there is also live music. Rentals of audio guides in English, Chinese and Korean are available. 

Admission: Adult: ¥ 610 / Child: ¥ 180

Guidebook from Planetyze about Glover Garden
Reviews from TripAdvisor about Glover Garden
Tours of Glover Garden

4. Huis Ten Bosch

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Huis Ten Bosch has been the leading tourist spot in Kyushu for domestic vacations for 2 years running since 2013. With its epic 1.5 million sq. m. of space and 6km of waterways and greenery, it is an amusement facility which re-creates the streets of Middle Ages Europe surrounded by flowers representing all 4 seasons. Huis Ten Bosch means “The House of the Forest” in Dutch, and it is a place where children and adults can enjoy attractions, museums, restaurants and hotels.  There are also the two great sights of the flowers and the illumination, and there are events such as the Japan preliminaries for the world competition for fireworks artists and collaborations with popular anime programs.

Within the huge grounds, various beautiful flowers are in full bloom during every season via events such the spring tulip festival which boasts the largest collection in the country, the moss phlox garden in April, the May rose festival with 1.1 million flowers of 1000 different types, the June hydrangea festival with 800 types which is the largest in Japan, the begonia garden from autumn to winter with 15,000 plants of 1000 types, and a winter orchid exhibition.

The Kingdom of Light, which is held from November to early April, is the world’s largest example of illumination whose 11 million lights light up the entire park. With canal cruises through waterways of light and fountains, unique light displays through events such as parades in which visitors can participate while riding bicycles, the lighting up of the palace and church, and 3D projection mapping at 3 different places, Huis Ten Bosch is one grand event.

Admission: Adult: ¥ 6,200 / Child: ¥ 3,900

Guidebook from Planetyze about Huis Ten Bosch
Reviews from TripAdvisor about Huis Ten Bosch
Tours of Huis Ten Bosch

5. Nagasaki Peace Park

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During World War II on August 9th 1945 at 11:02 a.m., an atomic bomb fell on Nagasaki and in one moment, many lives were lost and many more suffered the aftereffects. At the bombing’s hypocenter, Nagasaki Peace Park was created to put forward hopes for world peace so that the tragedy of war is never repeated. In this grand park of approximately 18.6 hectares, there are 5 zones: the Zone of Hopes, the Zone of Prayers, the Zone of Learning, the Sports Zone and the Plaza Zone which are areas where the tragedy of war is addressed, hopes for peace are cultivated, the importance of peace is realized through contact, and the nobility of peace is declared.

The Zone of Hopes was completed in 1955 and is where the Peace Statue is located. A bronze statue 9.7 meters in height and 30 tonnes in weight, its right hand points to the threat of nuclear weapons while its left hand is open in peace as its face is in prayer for the repose for those lost in the war. Every year on August 9th, “Nagasaki Peace Day”, the Peace Memorial Ceremony is held in front of the statue, and a declaration of peace is made toward the entire world. A prayer is made for those who lost their lives while searching for water, and in 1969, a Fountain of Peace measuring 18 meters in diameter was built. In the Zone of Prayers in the hypocenter, there is a monument on the atomic blast and the remains of the wall of Urakami Cathedral which once boasted a splendor unrivaled in the Orient are on display. In the Zone of Learning, the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum displays a re-creation of the city immediately following the atomic blast as well as photos and items showing the blast damage. It also addresses the threat and inhumanity of nuclear weapons and the tragedy of war.

Admission: Free

Guidebook from Planetyze about Nagasaki Peace Park
Reviews from TripAdvisor about Nagasaki Peace Park
Tours of Nagasaki Peace Park

6. Dejima 

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From 1550, Nagasaki was developed as a trading port with Portugal. However, the increase in followers of Christianity within the country and their unity was becoming formidable to the shogunate, and in 1634, the fan-shaped artificial island of Dejima was built over 2 years to amass and control the Portuguese in one area so as to prevent the spread of Christianity. Afterwards, the Portuguese were expelled from the country and for 200 years, trade and diplomacy between Japan and the outside world continued to be restricted as a policy of Sakoku. During that time, only Holland showed its loyalty to the shogunate, and gaining its trust, a Danish trading firm was moved to Dejima. During Sakoku, Holland became the only Western trading partner and the island played an instrumental role in the modernization of Japan as an exchange base for finance, culture and art.

Since 1900, the role of Dejima ended and its original form has been lost since the area around the island was filled up, but currently, there is construction to restore its historical legacy. At this time on Dejima, there are 49 buildings representing residences, dining rooms, warehouses, guard houses, etc. and 10 of them have been restored for visits. You can follow the changes in Dejimawhile viewing the remains over 4 eras such as the original Edo Era stonewall breakwaters where the Portuguese had lived, the closing days of the Tokugawa Shogunate when Ryoma Sakamoto and his followers were rebelling, Dejima’s stone warehouses after the opening of the country and the valuable wooden Western-style buildings during the Meiji Era. Avenues are recreated as if you went back in time, restored buildings have become museums, the history and lifestyle of Dejimaare on display, and life at that time has been recreated. Access from within Nagasaki is excellent and there is a dining facility known as Nagasaki Dejima Wharf nearby with a fine view of the seaside where there are many places where you can try fresh seafood in Japanese, Chinese, and Italian establishments and cafes.

Admission: Adult: ¥ 510 / Child: ¥ 100

Guidebook from Planetyze about Dejima 
Reviews from TripAdvisor about Dejima 
Tours of Dejima 

7. Gunkanjima (Battleship Island)

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During the Golden Age of coal mining, people led a crowded lifestyle with a population density more than 9 times that of Tokyo. The life of those times has remained as it was on a deserted island of abandoned buildings left for 30 years.

Coal was discovered around 1810 on the island of Hashima, some 30 minutes away from Nagasaki Harbor by boat, and some 80 years later in 1890, Mitsubishi bought the rights for the mining areas for the entire island and began coal mining in earnest. The island was called Gunkanjima because its shape resembled that of a battleship. More than half the island was rich in ore, and the remainder was filled with hospitals, schools, temples, shrines, police boxes, movie theaters, barber shops, etc. so it functioned as a complete city.

During the high-growth 1960s, 5,300 people lived there with a population density that was No. 1 in the world and more than 9 times that of Tokyo. Utilizing cutting-edge technology, it was a near-future city channeling modern metropolises with Japan’s first high-rise reinforced concrete apartment buildings, an undersea water supply first invented by Japan, the nation’s first roof gardens, etc. But with the switch of the country’s main source of energy from coal to oil, there was a course of decline. In January 1974, the mine was closed and in April, all of the residents left the island, leaving Gunkanjima a deserted island. Since then, people had been prohibited from going onto the island, but from 2009, tourism and field trips were allowed.

Despite the presence of abandoned buildings, household appliances starting with TV sets and other traces of life have been left there as they were, with the island as a whole being left as it was during its prosperity, and one can feel what Japan was like during the period of high growth. There are some tour companies, and high-speed ships leave from Nagasaki Harbor. Due to the extreme danger from the concentration of decrepit reinforced concrete buildings on Gunkanjima, visits are performed by going around the island once by ship. Then, tourists go onto the island and with a guide, they can tour for about 1 hour. Since there are guides who can speak English, inquiry is necessary beforehand.

Admission: Adult: ¥ 3,600 / Child: ¥ 1,700

Guidebook from Planetyze about Gunkanjima (Battleship Island)
Reviews from TripAdvisor about Gunkanjima (Battleship Island)
Tours of Gunkanjima (Battleship Island)

8. Mount Inasa

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From Mt. Inasa’s observation deck, known as having one of the top 3 night views in Japan and in the world, you can view the beautiful nightscape of Nagasaki Harbor. The highlight is the huge 360-degree panoramic view.

Along with Mt. Hakodate in Hakodate and Mt. Rokko in Kobe, Nagasaki has one of Japan’s top three night views, and such a view from Mt. Inasa’s observation deck is well known. Furthermore in 2012, it was selected as one of the world’s new top 3 night views along with Hong Kong and Monaco. The view seen from Mt. Inasa is called the $10 million night view, and from the cylindrical-shaped View Tower which is covered all around in glass at the top of the mountain (alt. 333m), you can look at a 360-degree panoramic view. With the underground floor and the two levels above ground totally encased in glass, you can experience the night view at your own pace even in rainy weather, and the scenery from the open roof is spectacular. The afternoon scenery has a different feel, and with the Urakami River flowing through the city and plenty of undulating topography, your eyes can take in Nagasaki Harbor and Nagasaki itself, and if the weather is good, you can also see as far as the Goto Islands, Unzen and Amakusa. For those who want to see both types of scenery, coming just before sunset is recommended. There is also a restaurant on the observation deck where you can enjoy a meal and a drink while viewing the night scene.

Admission: Free

Guidebook from Planetyze about Mount Inasa
Reviews from TripAdvisor about Mount Inasa
Tours of Mount Inasa

Written by Luke Kinsella

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Kanagawa Tour Guide - Yuki K.

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I was born and grew up in Yokohama. I used to work in Tokyo for more than 20 years. I became the National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter in English in 2013. At first, I had attended a volunteer group which provided a tour of the Imperial Palace East Gardens until 2015. I guided more than fifty times in the garden as a volunteer and studied about Japanese history and culture. Based on this experience, I became a tour guide of this online site in 2015. Since then, I have guided more than 500 tours in Tokyo as well as Yokohama, Kamakura, Hakone, Kyoto, Nikko, etc., while improving my tours. My tours are very flexible and I always do my best to customize them according to the interests of my guests. I studied about the places and will provide you knowledge to appreciate them more deeply than just visiting there by yourself or a member of group tours. I like foods and I know many restaurants which provide typical Japanese lunch with reasonable price without waiting too long. Therefore, I am sure that I can provide you the best tours customized to your interests. It will be my great pleasure to help you to enjoy your stay in Japan. So please be my guest!!                                                                                                                                 

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Hello, My name is Akira. I am certified national guide interpreter. I have been living in Tokyo for more than 30 years. I love walking in the city with no particular plan finding trasures in the streets such as nice ramen noodle restaurants, cafes, funny billboards, and most of all, narrow alleys that remind me of good old days. I will help you enjoying the days in the city fully and making your vist memorable one. I am looking forward to seeing you soon.                                                                                                                                 

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Hello , my future guests . My name is Kahoko . I live in Tokyo over 30 years with my family , one husband and two kids . I used to work in an airline as a cabin attendant . Naturally , I may have visited your countries myself as you do now . I chose the job because I like traveling and meeting new people . Now I'm so glad to be able to work for foreign visitors as a licensed guide . When I have foreign guests . I'd like to treat them as if they were my home stay guests , and I were their host mother in Tokyo . I do hope their stay in Japan enjoyable and unforgettable . So it's a great pleasure to assist you in some way . So click me if you like . I'm looking forward to meeting you soon .                                                                                                                                 

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